The Ugly American

"The Evil People Prosper Over The Likes of You and Me, Always"

So the media has finally discovered what some of us knew all along, although if we had made such allegations before now we might have been called ‘paranoid’ or ‘conspiracy theorists’. They have discovered that the American army have been abusing the people of the country they occupy, that they are not the great benefactors that they pretend to be.

Well, excuse me, but doesn’t the American military pride itself on being the most advanced in the world in the use of training techniques that effectively OVER-RIDE THE HUMAN CONSCIENCE? This abuse is institutionalised. And still scum like Rumsfeld, with their backs against the wall, will lie through their teeth until we tear down every lie with our bare and bleeding hands and tear down the liars with them!

I just hope that this marks a turning point, that the world has finally become sick of America bullying them in the name of their diseased and stinking ‘justice’.

Now, a few words from one of my favourite Americans, William S. Burroughs:

“Hiroshima, 1945, August the 6th, sixteen minutes past 8AM. Who really gave that order?

Answer: Control. The ugly American. The instrument of Control.

Question: If Control’s control is absolute, why does Control need to control?

Answer: Control needs Time.

Question: Is Control controlled by its need to control?

Answer: Yes.

Why does Control need ‘humans’, as you call them?

Wait. Wait. Time. A landing field. Death needs Time like a junky needs junk.

And what does Death need Time for?

The answer is soooo simple: Death needs Time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook’s sake. Death needs Time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook’s sweet sake, you stupid, vulgar, greedy, ugly American deathsucker. Death needs Time for what it kills to grow in, you stupid, vulgar, greedy, ugly American deathsucker.”

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