President Kill

Okay, I was going to be all Zen and ignore the upcoming American election, but I have been asked if the rest of the world is as scared as America. So, this is something like an answer. I don’t expect anyone will read this who is thinking of voting for Bush, but I will write for the moment as if they are. The American election affects the entire world. You vote, we suffer. Really, if there were any consistency in the concept of globalisation the entire planet would be able to vote in the American election. And Bush would not get in, because, let’s face it, Bush shits upstream and we, the rest of the world, are downstream. Don’t do it! Don’t vote Bush. A vote for Bush is a vote for this:

If I tried to list all the many reasons that a vote for Bush is a vote for the degradation of the human species, it would take me all day. Let’s be brief. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It had nothing to do with Al Qaeda. It had a lot to do with making money and distracting the American populace, and it involved the murder of thousands of civilians. In fact, the death toll continues to rise.

Bush is also opposed by the scientific community, for putting the interests of the oil companies and the American economy ahead of environmental interests, and ignoring the current ecological crisis we are facing.

It is surely also degrading to an entire nation that their president cannot even string a sentence together in his own mother tongue.

I don’t know why it is that war makes leaders so popular, but I append some lyrics that seemed appropriate. The reference to Russia may, of course, be swapped for Iraq.

Here Comes President Kill Again (Lyrics)


Here comes President Kill again,

Surrounded by all of his killing men.

Telling us who, why, where and when,

President Kill wants killing again.

Hooray, ring out the bells,

King Conscience is dead.

Hooray, now back in your cells,

We've President Kill instead.

Here comes President Kill again.

Broadcasting from his killing den.

Dressed in pounds and dollars and yen,

President Kill wants killing again.

Hooray, hang out the flags,

Queen Caring is dead.

Hooray, we'll stack body bags,

For President Kill instead.

Ain't democracy wonderful?

Them Russians can't win!

Ain't democracy wonderful?

Lets us vote someone like that in.

Here comes President Kill again,

from pure White House to Number 10.

Taking lives with a smoking pen,

President Kill wants killing again.

Hooray, everything's great,

Now President Kill is dead.

Hooray, I'll bet you can't wait,

To vote for President Kill instead…

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