Ah… Q is Here

I feel like the only person awake in the whole world.

I've discovered an interesting little blog here

What curious, sad and lonely creature can be responsible for it, I wonder?

3 Replies to “Ah… Q is Here”

  1. Hello Q.,
    I went to see your ‘other’ journal site. I was so impressed I did not buy the company, but I did open an account there. You can see me under the same name I use here, at Opera. “You are not alone, Q”, BTW, how did you put together the graphics part of your journal? How did you make it appear as a ‘notebook’. How did you upload images? I tried to paste, with my poem, the image address that was integral to the journal here (my Opera journal entry) -where I copied the poem from- the poem appeared, minus the image address link (image itself). Enough of my questions.

  2. Hello Dr. Prime. I have added you to my Live Journal friends list. I hope you don’t mind. Live Journal is a bit more complex than Opera. You may notice the huge gap between my first post in my LJ blog and the second. I was experiencing technical difficulties and basically gave up. I re-dosciovered, by chance, that I still had an account there after I’d long forgotten about it. I went to post a comment on someone else’s LJ blog, and the system remembered me. Anyway, since then my interest has been revived, but I’m a long way off mastering it. Partly for that reason, I’m treating my LJ blog in a more casual, messing about, and actually to some extent, more of a ‘safety valve’ manner than this blog. I’ve got to the point with this one where I’m slightly hesitant about making short, casual entries.

    Anyway, to answer your questions to the best of my limited abilites. Upload images as follows, changing the curved brackets below for pointy ones:

    (img src=”http://www.j-m-w-turner.co.uk/artist/gifetc/turner-richmond.jpg")

    IN this case, the result should be as follows when converted to pointy (this procedure doesn’t work on opera, I don’t think, so I’ll do the Opera equivalent below:

  3. To change the journal graphic go to User Info, Manage, and then Customize. To find the notepad option, you have to switch to New System (S2) in the window that should appear at the top of the screen and look at the options in Layout. Notepad is one among many.

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