A Letter to My MEP

I have just written – with the help of the World Wildlife Fund – a letter to my MEP and several MPs. (There's something very satisfying about being able to use the phrase 'genital deformities' in a letter to one's MP.) I shall paste the letter below. I think it's fairly self-explanatory. If you are interested in the issue mentioned, please feel free to cut and paste this letter and send it to your own MEP before the 15th of June. Thank you:

Dear ,

I am writing to you to let you know my concerns about hazardous chemicals in everyday

products, and to ask you to support the proposed new European regulation on chemicals (REACH).

I am deeply worried about the damage being done to the health of human beings, to wildlife and to the environment in general, because the man-made chemicals in such things as TVs, soft furnishings and toiletries continue to contaminate that environment.

According to information given by the World Wildlife Fund, many of these chemicals fail to break down, thereby accumulating dangerously in humans and wildlife. Scientific research is starting to link some chemicals to rising rates of certain cancers, neurological impairments, birth defects, genital deformities and reproductive problems.

I want the use of noxious chemicals stopped now, to safeguard the health of the environment, and of our children and grandchildren. While I can understand that some chemicals are currently deemed essential ingredients in many everyday products, I also believe that these chemicals should be made safer, so that our health and environment do not suffer as a result of their use.

I understand from the WWF that the European Parliament will debate and vote on the new REACH regulation later

this year, which offers us a once-in-a-generation

chance to identify and phase out the worst and most hazardous chemicals.

I have also heard that there has been pressure on MEPs to put industry concerns about costs above the interests of protecting public health and the environment. I feel strongly that this policy is myopic and does not represent a mature or healthy balance.

Can you assure me that you will support a new EU chemicals law which is strong enough to phase out the worst chemicals in favour of safer alternatives?

Yours sincerely,

Quentin S. Crisp

12 Replies to “A Letter to My MEP”

  1. It seems to be better now, so I should be able to post comments again. For a while it was refusing to post my comments, and sometimes I couldn’t log on to the journal.

  2. It seems to be rather a protean entity.

    I actually got some replies from some of the M(E)Ps with regard to the letter in this post. I meant to post the replies here, too, but, what with one thing and another, I haven’t yet got round to it.

  3. Hello Zenya. Thank you for your comment. I don’t actually believe that these matters are always a question of choosing between wealth and health. For instance, if oil companies only had the foresight to take on board the fact that oil is running out, they could use their vast amounts of money to put themselves at the forefront of development in alternative energies. That they don’t do this seems to be a mixture of laziness, stupidity, malevolence and greed, with stupidity being the key factor.

  4. Bravo, indeed. Curious how the enlightened among us -bemoaning the motives and morals of those who DO- hardly ever even blush at suggesting COERCION to spur their lacking sensible self-interest…

  5. Hello. Thanks for posting.

    If I understand you, you’re wondering why we never try to appeal to people’s better natures these days when we’re arguing a cause.

    Well, I think that’s a good question, and I think it’s because virtue has come to be seen as risible in the ‘greed is good’ culture that has flourished since the eighties.

  6. HI Q,

    Yes that’s our way of thinking however, if you notice all the oil countries are stand offish about giving money to the countries IE: Central Africa and and lower Saraha, they keep their riches and only get richer.

    It’s the same with the large drug companies, they over charge some countries and almost give it away in others.

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