Sapphic Love Poem

This is a very short post, because I just happen to think this is a great news story. The weird thing is, I think I had a conversation with someone last week about how great it would be to discover a long lost Sapphic love poem. Or did I just dream it?

Anyway, now I must sleep.

6 Replies to “Sapphic Love Poem”

  1. Why are all these things found in Egypt ? LOL

    Homosexuality is very much present in Egypt and most people don’t believe this since it’s under the Islamic law…

    Drugs are very present there too .. law or not.

    Just some insight ..

    Thank you Q for the link.


  2. HI Q, Wow ! You now know what I am speaking about. The dissappointment day after day..

    The culture in Egypt is like from another planet and totally clueless. I have done so many different kinds of work there and it all turned out to be an experience NOT to repeat.
    I have learned thru failure what I can and can not do.. the word FRIEND is not in their vocab. the word USER Is.. and is USED often.

    You can not be a giver or caring as it will show you to be weak and then you get eaten alive.

    You are the first person I know who has stated this about Japan , I did have a friend many years ago who was from New York City and moved to Japan to marry and he too was dissappointed in the location however his job was a great one and I guess his wife was too 🙂

    Why are you moving to Africa and where ? if you don’t mind me asking.

    Thank you for sharing and making me feel better about my inner toughts of being disturbed .

    stepping off my soap box now … Eve 🙂

  3. I’ve never actually been to Egypt, though, like many children, I think, I was fascinated by Egypt as a child. I suppose I hadn’t thought much about Islamic law in Egypt, the image of Ancient Egypt being so strong.

    I thought I’d post a link to the news story, well, mainly because I thought it was interesting, but also to try and dispell the impression that may be growing on some readers that I am a complete doom-and-gloomer. Even though that impression is quite correct.

  4. I have some experience with disenchantment in travel. I became very enamoured of Eastern culture in my early twenties and eventually went to live in Japan and Taiwan. I was disappointed.

    I found Japanese cities ugly to the point of being emetic, and Japanese society to be chronically racist. Taiwan seemed to be a scruffier version of the same. It was all very materialistic and uninspiring. Well, I say “all”, but I do have one or two fond memories. For the most part, however, it has served to instill in me a deep disdain for the modern age that destroys all variety and beauty. It seems to me that nothing motivated by money ever results in beauty.

    Of course, I am very much a part of this ugly modern culture.

    I’m currently contemplating a move to Africa, so, the same continent as you, though I don’t have a particular country in mind.

  5. HI Q,

    You are unique, don’t change for anyone 🙂 I enjoy your witt and also your gloom and doom . we all cant be 🙂 all the time and you balance the scales.

    When people hear I live part time in Egypt they go OH WOW I WOULD LOVE DO TO THAT.. I reply.” NO YOU WOULDN”T 🙂 ”

    It’s not the best or the worse however, its not far from the worse.

    You have no freedom of speech, no freedom of expression, no freedom of life.

    Egypt is mysterious and exciting as long as you have money and free time.. There are many locations to see and feel and taste, again if you have money and free time.

    I would tell anyone to catch your dreams, those of younger years or years to come.

    I never wanted to go anywhere, and look where I ended up 🙂 silly me .

    You are enchanting Q, I enjoy it all.


  6. Hello Eve.

    Just thought I’d post a quick reply before going to work.

    I think my reasons for contemplating a move to Africa are various, but perhaps I can shed some light on the situation by saying that I’m thinking of applying to an organisation called">Voluntary Service Overseas.


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