Pore Self Morotion

I'm afraid that my recent entries in this blog have not been of a very high quality, if one can talk about quality in a medium designed for letting off steam and being self-indulgent.

Anyway, this is another entry that is not particularly exciting, but that serves a purpose nonetheless.

I should really give a report of how my reading went on the 14th of July, and that kind of thing, but I'm too tired, and I don't have much time. Let's just say that I had hoped more people would turn up, but we had a good time anyway. Apparently the shop turned a profit, thanks to me, and, apparently, that does not always happen on these occasions. So, I suppose I should be satisfied.

Anyway, the point of this post is, there are still copies of Rule Dementia! available for purchase at Langton's Bookshop. So, if you're in the vicinity, why not pop in and buy a copy. On the other hand, if you're not in the vicinity, you can order a copy by post, by sending an e-mail to the following address:

[email protected]

The price is fourteen quid a copy. That includes postage and packing. At least, it does within the UK. If you are ordering from overseas, you'll have to enquire about that in your e-mail.

4 Replies to “Pore Self Morotion”

  1. HI Q,

    You can also sell your book on Ebay 🙂 Overstock.com auctions and many other auction sites.

    Books are a huge seller and if it’s signed by the author ever more money and sales.

    It’s worth the effort I feel.

    Good luck
    a fan of yours,


  2. If I wasn’t so broke, I’d send you a copy. Still, there’s always the slim chance you’ll win the competition. I suppose I should think of a deadline for it.

  3. Thank you, Eve. To be honest, I’m only really advertising my ‘goods’ out of sheer necessity. I’m really not very good at the business side of things. I’d much rather forget about it, but unfortunately, because I’m still only working with smalll publishers, my books are not in all the high street shops and people who want them have to go a little off the beaten track to get them. So I feel that it is at least my duty to give directions.

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