From the Pub to the Grave

I found this photo of me on 'teh' Net.

In case anyone was wondering what I look like, well, it's something like this.

I was attending the wedding of John B. Ford.

Don't ask me what the heading of this entry means.

I would post something more interesting, but I have very little time.


24 Replies to “From the Pub to the Grave”

  1. HI Q,

    I see your father has great taste in music 😉 I too love Vangelis and Jean Micheal infact, Jean had a concert infront of the Spinx in Cairo before I ventured there in 2001, I was so upset that I missed that, there are photos on the net of that show.

    I have many Vangelis, They do many soundtracks one of my favorite movies is ” the Last of the Mohegans”

    I too liked the movie “The Man Who Feel to Earth” I haven’t heard of the others except for Elephant man.

    Yes I do watch movies on my pc in my room I have a 19 inch monitor and here at the desk is a 17inch.

    My sister and I get our beach chairs out and our cool drinks and enjoy the pc movies with surround sound you can’t ask for more 🙂

    I do make dvds now and we see them from her dvd player on her 32 inch HDTV 🙂 this is better.

    IN Egypt I have a media room where I have 2 chairs and 2 pcs and surroundsound, that makes for great movies and US shows I can download to view also.

    I have completed both movies you suggested in dvd quality 🙂 I will see them this week when I am off ..

    If you want music that covers you like a blanket listen to Secret Garden.. they are magical and so loving.


  2. Thank you for the poem. Your phrase about reality makes me wonder whether you have read the introduction of Rule Dementia!, but maybe you just tuned into the idea from the ranting in this blog.

  3. HI Q,

    I did a sneak preview of them and they do look interesting I will tell you my thoughts on them when I see them which will be soon since I finally have 2 days off in a row .

    I hope you can see The March of the Penquins too 😉


  4. HI Q,

    I wanted to tell you that I found the movie on the good ole mule and also the sound track, any score done by Philp Glass is a keeper !

    I love movies about Native Americans I learned alot from him and the people I also knew.

    Thank you for sharing that movie title with me I think you got the feel of what I like 😉

    Your devoted fan,
    PS you look great in that photo too..

  5. I think if it ever came to an interview on television (or with a large circulation magazine), I would be very wary about manipulation, whatever country I was in. Generally such organs either feed on controversy or are conduitds of propaganda, or both.

    I think it’s hard enough to make oeslf understood even when one has editorial control.

    A friend of mine had a TV experience, in which he was interviewed as an expert on hypnosis or something, and he was very unhappy with the way they chopped things around. Ratings – that’s the usual excuse for such nonsense. It’s an insult to the intelligence.

  6. I’m afraid you’ll have to explain the mule reference to me. Is it rhyming slang?

    One of my favourite Philip Glass scores (that makes it sound as if I have many) is the soundtrack to Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters , also one of my favourite films. I have seen it about a dozen times, I think.

    PS, for an ugly person, I’m surprisingly photogenic.

  7. Q., -here’s to you (and having met you I know your face):

    Come, drink the beer
    and, glass in hands,
    peer at the lense
    whose shutter stands
    while crystal eye
    catches your image
    on the fly.

    Reality may be false,
    but this small ‘snare’
    captures the truth,
    a quizzical glance
    laid bare.


  8. HI Q,


    the Mule is Emule the downloading program I use to get my movies and music. I completed the cd of Philp Glass, soundtrack of the first movie you mentioned. I haven’t completed the movie as of today, I guess the sources for this movie are limited .. dammmmmmmmmmm

    Now I will go seek the movie and cd you just wrote about here 🙂 Gosh Q, you are keeping me busy 🙂

    I load my mp3 player each week for the walk to work and it;s really nice to have great tunes for putting my mind above the clouds.

    Thank you for your referrals for movies.

    Have you heard of Kitaro? He is wonderful also he scored the movie which I loved as well..”Heaven and Earth”

    now I am a fan of your movies as well as your words 🙂


  9. well with me being so trusting The program was on Nile Sat and at the time I didn’t know it was a STATE OWNED Satelite.

    I do trust this man Mohamed Islam who interviewed me and his reputation proceeds him. His show Generation is viewed by so many in Egypt and also the FBI 🙁

    After I did this show I obtained a job managing a traditional Egyptian resturant and me being American in the midst of all Egyptians near a well known Tourist Mosque where the FBI ventures often really drew attention .

    I was visited by a woman wearing a camera around her neck who spoke perfect Arabic .. and had a hand shake like a man. As we spoke, I explained to her my goals with the resturant and she made this comment to me, ” if anyone can do it.. YOU CAN !” as if she knew me and I have never met her before that day so I am thinking she saw my interview on TV.

    I never thought of the ill effects of putting myself in this situation, going on a lead from a friend who hooked me up with Mr Islam and my trust in my friend I figured it was the right thing to do .. So far I haven’t had any side effects.

    Eve who has to many blonde moments 🙂

  10. I’ve heard of Kitaro, but I’m not very familiar with his music. Didn’t he do something called Silk Road?

    “now I am a fan of your movies as well as your words”

    Well, they’re not mine in the sense that I have directed or appeared in them, but I have just remembered that I have actually played a role in a film. I had a cameo role as Macbeth’s psychiatrist in a film shot by">Wolf and Water Theatre Company.

    You’ll find me listed at the bottom of the page under ‘Associate Artists’.

    I believe that the soundtrack of the Macbeth film has original music from Simon Fisher Turner (or someone like that).

  11. HI Q,

    Yes, Kitaro did an album called Silk Road, I have all of his works, he is amazing and so creative..

    I finally got the cd file of Koyannisqatsi, the music is great and the movie isn’t complete as of now.

    I am also getting the music from Mishima and the movie is in process.

    I looked at the page for the film you were credited in I do like your name so very much.. Don’t ever think to change it, you are one of a kind and a noble name to match.

    I meant your movie taste but it’s nice to know you have been in a movie 🙂

    I was interviewed on a tv show called ” GENERATIONS” for 2 epsodes in Egypt however, I use to sing on the radio and also sang on Tv in a choir and was a singer in a rock band way back when.

    No credits to show ya..

    Thanks for sharing Q,

  12. I speak some not enough to have a converstation. I understand more 🙂
    It;s nice to be with Egyptians talking and they think I don’t understand them.

  13. I believe my father has or had that album, so I have probably heard it at some point.

    He also used to listen to Vangelis and Jean Michel-Jarre a great deal. I sometimes play the soundtrack to Bladerunner while I’m writing (and sometimes the Philip Glass one). I know many people find Vangelis a bit cheesy, but there’s something comforting about it for me, like a blanket – maybe because of childhood associations.

    Do you actually watch films on your computer, then? I think my eyes would go funny if I tried to do that.

    On the subject of films, maybe I should give my ‘top ten’ favourites, in no particular order:

    1. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters

    2. Freaks (Directed by Tod Browning)

    3. Withnail and I

    4. Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (’70s version)

    5. Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter

    6. Heavenly Creatures

    7. The Man Who Fell to Earth (the one with David Bowie in)

    8. Ringu (original Japanese version)

    9. The Elephant Man

    10. Tampopo

    This is just off the top of my head, and is by no means definitive.

  14. Please do post a review of your friends show, it sounds intersting from what I saw on the link you provided here.

    I was invited to do this one on one interview with a very popular TV host.

    Me being American and a covert to Islam and living in Egypt at that time made for a nice show.

    I was asked questions and I answered them, it was great that I could speak from my point of view except about anything policital or about the government of Egypt.

    I am Irish descent and I do speak my mind in Egypt or US, I did say one thing they all held their breath about so I am sure they cut that out 🙂

    The Iraq war just started and he told me it would be aired after that so as of now I am not sure if it was on at all. I will have to get intouch with him.

    I was also told by a friend in the American Embassy that I have to be careful doing these kinds of programs since they can change my words to fit their questions if they edited the tapes. I never thought of that and I didn’t do any more.

    I was offered to make tapes in English for teaching purposes and I declined that offer too.


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