
As Bart Simpson might say, the ironing is delicious!

Just as I was complaining about self-promotion I learn that the website of my publisher is now online and ready for public access, and I find that I must reveal myself for the charlatan I am by promoting myself though it.

Follow this link to the site of the publisher responsible for bringing you Rule Dementia!

10 Replies to “Rainfall”

  1. “Oh go on … you know you can do it.Best wishes for your success, from one who ‘scribbles’ here and there.”Thank you for the first comment since the overhaul. I’m actually in the middle of an interview at the moment, that will probably be put up on a website called Whispers of Wickedness. Anyway, I’ll post a link when it’s up.

  2. Well, thank you for all your comments.The interview is, broadly speaking, in the bag, though there may be some additions or adjustments yet to be made. I shall let you know when it is online.

  3. HI Quentin,I can’t wait Congrats to you !miss seeing your posts.This new Opera has given us more work in keeping up with our friends postings..DammmmmmmmmmmmEve

  4. Sorry for silence. I have an in-tray in which is a great big teetering pile of stress at the moment.The news,if it can be called such, is this:The interview is definitively over. I have received word that it has been sent to the website in question. I have no idea when it will be online. Presumably I will be told, but perhaps not. I have also received news that a review of Rule Dementia! should be appearing on the website Emerald City at around the end of the month.

  5. HI again Quentin,I will say CONGRATs anyway, the effort was made and what’s meant to be will be.. Just remember what looks to you as a dissapointment is only a way of holding you for the right direction at the right time.The door will open in the right direction keep knocking.HugsEve

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