Look at those cavemen go!

I'm afraid I have a depressing amount of work to do at the moment, and hence I have no idea when I will be able to post anything substantial here again. In the meantime, I shall snatch these spare minutes to outline my plan to PUT AN END TO ALL WAR. I present that plan very simply in the form of a short film, which can be viewed here.

4 Replies to “Look at those cavemen go!”

  1. HI Quentin,I use to see these films as a child and I must say they are depressing.My father was in a Veteran hospial for back surgeries and he use to talk about the horrors in there as well. Govenments of any nation can be cruel and usually are, it’s a horror in itself.Eve

  2. Actually, I didn’t find this film at all depressing. Quite the opposite. I found it heart-warming and funny. I’m not laughing at the soldiers, either. I’m laughing with them.War is a result of people taking themselves far too seriously. Although the name of the drug used in the film is not mentioned, it seems a pretty safe bet that it’s LSD. I believe the military thought that it might be useful in pacifying the enemy if slipped into the water supply. The ironic thing is that they were trying to use chemical enlightenment as a weapon. “If we make it so our enemies are more open minded, expansive and generally enlightened than we are, they won’t see the point in fighting, and while they’re laughing their heads off, we, immune to how absurd we are being, will be able to continue in our ignorant state and slaughter the bastards.”I suppose that’s the depressing aspect.If only both sides could realise how absurd they are being at exactly the same time, though, there really might be hope for an end to war.

  3. HI Quentin,I remember the testing of the vets and worried this would happen to my father however, it didn’t.they use to test drugs and chemicals on the vets in the hospitals, the ones who wouldn’t know what was happening to them.This is what depresses me that our own govenment does things like that to people who gave to them.Eve

  4. HI Quentin,I remember the testing of the vets and worried this would happen to my father however, it didn’t.they use to test drugs and chemicals on the vets in the hospitals, the ones who wouldn’t know what was happening to them.This is what depresses me that our own govenment does things like that to people who gave to them.Eve

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