4 Replies to “On Having Children”

  1. My dear Q,No emails from you and no PMs.I have missed you. Your voice has been silent. For me, that is a loss and I would wager that others think so too. Please write more. I believe in you, always have done, and although we have occasionally ‘minor’ differences, apropos how to solve this or that, we are – I am sure – ‘playing in the same band’ and share a mutual political/ecological/environmental ‘platform’, in sympathy together with each other’s view (I hope that is so, I always thought it was). You are also a very fine writer (yep, I know you heard that from me before, over the past two years, and I have never changed my view). I instinctively know you are a ‘class A’ author and writer. My archives and the copies of our interchanges, over the period since you and I and Emily first interchanged ideas, tell me all of this.So, if you can’t contact me, then at least please write another blog and I will read it and comment, with pleasure.Always your friend,lokutusPS: did Emily ever come to England? I would love to know. My wife and I are staying in the West End of London from 31 Dec-2 Jan 06. We might even see you there, it’s statistically possible.

  2. Hello Lokutus. I’m afraid I’ve been in overwhelm mode for quite some time now, hence the lack of e-mails and blog entries. I’m not very good at PMs generally, though.Yes, it would be good to meet up. I’m going to Devon for Christmas, but perhaps after my return (I’m not yet sure when). Please feel free to send me an e-mail on the matter.

  3. Hello quentin, Thanks for your reply -sorry to hear you have been in ‘overwhelm mode’ but I assume that you are now in Devon. I hope the Christmas break will help you, as you relax. I understand your thoughts on PMs and I’ll email you in future. It would be good to talk to you again, sometime.

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