At the pub last night, someone suggested that I look like Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
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At the pub last night, someone suggested that I look like Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
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I went to that link and, well,you don’t have any fish dangling from your ears 🙂 and you don’t say whether you like Hugh Fearnley-Whiitingstall or not. Is it ‘safe’ to give my opinion on any resemblance? 🙂 (I am joking, of course).
I know very little about Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I suspect I dislike him. He is another television lifestyle pundit, by the looks of it. He apparently champions ‘real food’, which is not a bad thing, but he also looks like one of the new media elite who are ruining the country by pushing up house prices and slyly wrecking the environment when no one is looking. I suppose I should withold judgement for the moment.
re “He is another television lifestyle pundit, by the looks of it. He apparently champions ‘real food’, which is not a bad thing, but he also looks like one of the new media elite who are ruining the country by pushing up house prices and slyly wrecking the environment when no one is looking”…In that case of course I do not see any resemblance here. I mean, in my view you do not remotely resemble that person, the one you describe (although if you also like ‘good food’ then there is a coincidence of preference of course).Regards.
Sorry mate, you do look like him. Not that I think so, but someone was saying to me over the weekend, “You know your friend Quentin, he really looks like Hugh Fearnley-Whatsisname from River Cottage”. So there it is, independent corroboration verging on scientific objectivity. (Without the fish.)
Q,That guy has a way more daring sense of fashion than you do. E
“So there it is, independent corroboration verging on scientific objectivity. (Without the fish.)”Somehow this whole phenomenon is amusing me less and less. I think I even preferred it when people told me I look like Hugh Jackman.
“That guy has a way more daring sense of fashion than you do.”Et tu, Esme?
“I think I even preferred it when people told me I look like Hugh Jackman.”Could be worse… “Has anyone ever told you you look like Hugh G****?”
What about this for a look a like?