A Coerced Fussy Tit Solo

While reading Le Soldat Perdu, I came across this automated anagram program, and have been playing with it.

I was wondering whether to change the name of this blog, so I fed the current title in to the program, and it gave me a very long list, of which I think the heading for this post is the most appropriate.

Then I realised I had mistyped it, and re-entered the title to find:

A coerced if lost toy USSR.

Which doesn't make much sense, and:

A coerced florist toys us.

This is not going so well. Ho hum

Anyway, other items of interest:

David Bowie = A web id void.

Morrissey = Semi-sorry.

Kate Bush = Bathes UK.

William Burroughs = A big whirl soul rum.

Tony Blair = Libya torn, labor tiny, liar by ton, rainy blot and royal bint.

George (W) Bush = Bugger he so, gob surge he, bog seer ugh, buggers we oh, gob sewer ugh and so on.

Judy Garland = A lady Dr Jung.

Thomas Ligotti = A hog limits tot.

Isaac Newton = A canine swot.

Charles Darwin = A crawler's hind.


Quentin S. Crisp = Prince Squints, Crisp Quest Inn and PC Sinners Quit.

Enough of this! I'm supposed to be working.

3 Replies to “A Coerced Fussy Tit Solo”

  1. Hello people.I’m trying not to let work stop me. I can feel another post coming on, but whether I’ll have time to write it or not, I don’t know. Watch this space. But not continuously.

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