You’d Be Nothing Without Me

Here are some lyrics wot I wrote:

You'd Be Nothing Without Me

Who but me has ever cared about you?
Well, yes, they say they do
But despite your dreaming you know
Because I've taken such pains to explain
That if I were to remove this mask I've screwed on for you, my dear,
And show those scum the real you
They would run screaming.

So how can you say you'd be better off on your own?
You know you'd be nothing without me.
All the years I've kept you
Safe and comfortable in this cave
Away from the dangerous rays
Of the loathsome daylight.
All the tears I've wept
And the fight I've had to fight for you.

So how can you say that one of us must go?
You know very well that you're nothing without me.
You can never leave here.
As much as it pains me to explain
To you yet again
You're far too abominably hideous
And fragile and weak to survive all alone
Out there in the world of people who
Will do anything just to exploit and to hurt you,
If they don't recoil from your disgusting, purulent boils
And dangling flayed hide,
And make all of your evilest fears come true.

Hear this simple plea, from my breaking heart.
You'd be nothing without me.
Would I have sewn up your lips
The way that I did
And dislocated your hips
And pushed pins through your cheeks
And forced your second and third toes apart
With a billiard ball and a piano string
And torn strips off your skin
And bored a hole in your skull
To pour acid in
And sometimes kept you for weeks
Upside down, watching you grow thin
Would I have done all these things
If I didn't love you?

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