This is the Way, Step Inside…

Ladies and gentlemen, we didn't lie to you. We told you we had a living, breathing monstrosity. You laughed at him, shuddered at him, and yet for the accident of birth, you might be even as Quentin S. Crisp…

There's a new interview with me up at the Rainfall site. This is the way, step inside…

6 Replies to “This is the Way, Step Inside…”

  1. Applause, definitely–sorry it took me so long to get there. Fabulous interview! Damn I’m envious of you–first that you finish what you write, but mostly that you get it published. I have pretentions but little else. Specialist press, eh? Rather like independent films? I must investigate this angle. Also, must write more.Also, your sartorial style sounds postively splendid. You have my regards, sir.Now at the risk of sounding an effete hypocrite, I should hunt down some of your written word and actually read it…cheers,M

  2. Thank you for taking an interest. I think there’s enough of my work on the net that you can sample it before deciding to make a financial investment. I suppose I would recommend the following download:'s also a download available at the link I provided in answer to one of your other comments.If you’re a writer, yes, the specialist press might be good for you. Some have described it as a ‘ghetto’, but, anyway, it is an option if you find that you are not having succes with mainstream publishers.I’ll see if I can come up with a list of useful URLs for you.

  3. That would be more than welcome, thank you. As to whether or not I’m a writer–still struggling with that one. The self is a bitter enemy. But I’d be happy to even reach a ‘ghetto’ at this point…Off to read your story.–m

  4. Hello Melissa.Well, I’ve had a little think about useful URLs, and here they are: you have any short stories in the Poe vein, I would recommend trying a magazine like Midnight Steet or The Third Alternative, whose websites are listed above. Midnight Street is probably a little easier to get into than TTA. The advice is usually to read at least one copy of the magazine to familiarise yourself with its contents before submitting a story. There are usually word limits, too, of sometimes 3,000 and sometimes 5,000 words. Midnight Street is not so strict about the words limits, depending on the story.Contrary to what some people believe or might expect, there are some excellent writers in the small press. If you like Poe, I would recommend Thomas Ligotti without reservation. In the view of myself and many others, he is the greatest living writer of horror/weird fiction. His fansite is also above; there are, of course, discussion forums and so on on the site.I would also recommend the work of Mark Samuels, Scott Thomas, Lisa Tuttle…Anyway, I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck.

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