Dunkle Gestade

For all you German readers out there, or readers of German (I'm sad to say I'm not one of you), it looks as if my German collection is coming out fairly soon. Investigate, if you will,here: http://www.blitz-verlag.de/index.php?action=produkt&id=144 here: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.blitz-verlag.de/index.php%3Faction%3Dprodukt%26id%3D144&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522quentin%2Bs%2Bcrisp%2522%26start%3D80%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN and here.

Don't be put off by the weird Google translation of the German page:

"Crisp will it with its marvelous talent and its ability…"

I couldn't agree more.

6 Replies to “Dunkle Gestade”

  1. Thank you.I noticed my last link doesn’t work – at least on my computer – but basically it was meant to be a link to the German Amazon site, where the book is available for pre-orders.

  2. What’s all this about Poe? This looks intriguing. Not that it matters a whit in wild hell, but I recieved an Edgar Allen Poe action figure for my recent birthday (with removeable raven!), a fact about which I am altogether too pleased. Poe is one of my favorites, so if he’s on the cover of one of your books, I suppose I ought to read it…–M

  3. Yes, you must read it. How’s your German? By way of explanation, the particular imprint in which the collection is published is called something like, “Edgar Allan Poe’s Fantastic Library”. That’s ‘fantastic’ in the proper sense of the word, rather than the colloquial sense, though I hope that both sense are relevant to my collection.In case you are interested in reading some of my stuff (in English), here’s a link that might be useful:http://homepages.pavilion.co.uk/users/tartarus/morbid.htmThank you.

  4. My German is nonexistent, except for a couple useful swear words and ‘Schnell! Schnell!” or whatever the Nazis are usually saying in movies. But I do like the cover. “Morbid Tales” sounds fascinating–I’ve bought from Tartarus Press before–the second-to-last periodical, the one with Mervyn Peake’s drawing on the front. Truth be told, I bought it for the cover, fool that I am. Will check it out when I have more cash, damn the British pound. It would be good to find something worth reading…–M

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