
Well, I suppose I should confess, before going on, to being a lazy cheapskate. Now I've got that out of the way, I would like to make a request, because I feel I might as well give it a try.

So, if there be such a thing as a fan of my writing out there, who reads this blog, has read my fiction, and so on, and if such a person would like to build an 'official' website for me, I would very much like to hear from that person. I already have an address for the site on the Internet. What I lack is the know-how to design my own site to my own satisfaction, the time to gain that know-how, and the money to pay a professional. Distasteful as it is to talk about financial matters, I am afraid that, at present, I am in such a state of affairs that I am unable to promise more than a drink, a meal and undying friendship in return for such a favour. Such is a writer's life, I'm afraid. (If you're considering it, beware.) Of course it's shameful to make such a request for charity, but what can I say? Writers are shameful (or shameless) creatures. At least I thought I would ask for volunteers in such a way that no one feels awkward except myself. I'm just tired of not showing up as more than a blip on the very edge of the radar of the literary world. At least a website will, I think, increase the size of the blip.

3 Replies to “Freeloading”

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. You need a website. When you find some kind person who will do it for you on the cheap or for nothing, will you point them my way? I haven’t even hit the edge of the radar, let alone become a blip. I’m still cruising out around Alpha Centauri at this point, but am also a cheapskate broke type myself, without any useable computer skills whatsoever (save typing).What we need is a St. Vincent De Paul webmaster for artists…–M

  2. Well, if I get this job, for which I’m going for an interview today, I suppose it’s possible that I might even be able to pay someone something, but whenever I’ve investigated prices in the past they have run into thousands of pounds, and that is certainly beyond my means.Well, we’ll see what happens. At the moment my writing is going nowhere fast. After having three volumes published, I thought it would be easier to place new fiction, but it doesn’t seem to be. I can’t even get anyone to read anything at the moment, let alone publish it.Anyway, I’ve started on a new short story recently. It’s called ‘Shrike’. I’m hoping that it heralds a new burst of creativity, though it’s a very unhappy little story.

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