Short Films

When I was at school, one of the classes I took was 'television studies'. This provided me, amongst other things, the opportunity to see myself, to some extent, the way that others do – from the outside. I can remember how peculiar and awkward my own body language appeared to me, how different my voice sounded to the one I hear from inside my own head, and so on.

I haven't been captured 'on film' a great deal. In my early twenties I had a small role in an independent film version of Macbeth. I played Macbeth's psychiatrist. Watching myself in this, I had the same sensation as before; I saw a person with very wooden mannerisms and a voice that made me cringe.

It's been some years since I have seen myself on film in this way. The latest example comes in this short film. (If the film doesn't play automatically, move your cursor over the small screen and press the play button that should appear. If it just doesn't play, it might be some technical reason like a lack of Flash media on your computer. I really don't understand these things myself.) There is a second or three of me talking about the custom of gallery walk that takes place on the first Friday of every month in the small town of Hot Springs, Arkansas, where I spent some time.

And yes, my sensations on watching myself are much the same as before. Who is this peculiar person? Perhaps I shall never know.

Anyway, there are a number of other short films to be viewed at the same place, including an interview with the artist Alex Oberste, all by Chuck Dodson, and all providing a view of events in Hot Springs.

6 Replies to “Short Films”

  1. Certainly, I wouldn’t have thought it of Hot Springs, AR…but that’s my innate Pacific Northwestern highbrow bias showing…We have a Gallery Walk here where I live about once every quarter. The two I participated in were dead–didn’t get hardly a handful of victims all night. But then again I’m showing my art in a yarn shop. Not exactly the best venue, I guess.Looks like things are jumping down in the southeast.

  2. It was quite an interesting little town. Watching those short films reminds me that I was in a very different world for a while. It’s a strange feeling.

  3. It was quite an interesting little town. Watching those short films reminds me that I was in a very different world for a while. It’s a strange feeling.

  4. Tony writes:

    Hi QDon’t know if you remember me but I took the photo’s of you, Jay & Phillip when you where 1 of the 3 Doctors at the Wolf & Water Dr Who weekend.Anyway, I’ve just watched you in the Macbeth Film you are talking about in this blog!! When was the last time you watched the film? Their are loads and loads of people in it. I recognised Peter Harris, Ed, Wes & Phillip Robinson but I’m not sure about a lot of the other young faces. It’s a really twisted film and very, very dark.This is the 1st time I’ve written anything on a blog. I try and avoid any kind of writing because I’m dyslexic and it takes me ages to write things properly. I make films & animations etc instead. I read your story ‘The Tattooist’ and thought it was brilliant and that it would make a great basis for an animation.Regards, Tony.

  5. Hello Tony.Thanks very much for writing. I haven’t watched the film of ‘the Scottish Play’ since errrrm, let me see, 2005, I believe. December of. I wish more people would watch that film. It deserves a wider audience. A difficult piece in many ways, but I feel priveleged to have been a part of it, even though they edited me in such a way that I tell the same joke (make the same quip, I should say) twice. Of course, this being a Wolf and Water production, the scenes were all pretty much ad lib, so, I’m ashamed to say, my ad lib was cribbed from a Fry and Laurie sketch.Thanks for taking the time to read ‘The Tattooist’. I know some people into animation and the like. If you’re in touch with Ed or Pete Harris, please do ask them for my contact details and get in touch. I don’t want to post my details here for obvious reasons (hordes of stalkers, you know). Take care,Quentin.

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