4 Replies to “Free Freed”

  1. Hello Esme.Thanks for dropping by. I’m afraid though that you probably didn’t read the second link in the above post. One of the reasons I hate Blair so much is that he has utterly destroyed our civil liberties. This post was my small exercise in freedom of speech. I honestly do believe that Blair is an evil man. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the film It’s a Wonderful Life. In it the James Stewart character is comtemplating suicide and an angel grants his wish that he had never been born, and he gets to see how the world would have been without him. He walks around his hometown and finds it a bleak place. It’s interesting as a very early take on Chaos theory and the butterfly effect and all that.Well, the comedians Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie once did a spoof sketch of that film in which Rupert Murdoch is shown how the world would have been if he had never been born. He finds a world of racial tolerance and social harmony. “This is amazing,” he says to the angel, “There’s a huge gap in the market here for a newspaper peddling bigotry and filth.” Or something like that. I suppose I feel the same way about Blair. The negative influence of his existence must be vast by now. He has single-handedly ruined this country. Education is ruined, racial relations are ruined, civil liberties are ruined, healthcare is ruined, the environmental policy is about to be ruined. And of course, his influence extends outside this country. I simply do not understand how the man can sleep at night knowing he is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children in Iraq. What’s even more flabberghasting is that anyone at all voted for him after that; by voting for him they were basically saying, well, we know you’re a mass-murderer and a liar, but we’ll overlook that, because we don’t think the opposition party has got its act together yet. The man is an emissary of Satan. I do quite like the Mayor of London, though.

  2. Hey, that’s weird. I switched computer, because the internet connection on the other one failed just as I submitted the above comment, and I wanted to check whether it had gone through. But on this computer, for some reason, I can’t read your comment. I wonder if that’s just me, or whether other people are having that problem, too.I feel a bit like re-watching It’s a Wonderful Life now. You can see a potted version of it here, reenacted by rabbits.I’m sure it’s terrible Hollywood schmaltz (well, I’m not actually), but the last time I saw it, years ago, at a friend’s house, just before Christmas, the tears were streaming down my face.

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