Childish Ways

I have a great deal to blog about at the moment, but very little time, as I am starting a new job soon. Anyway, I thought I'd just post some lyrics that I've licked (more or less) into shape today in order to send to Dorothy. Please excuse the doggerel. The lyrics will sound better when/if they are eventually put to music. Anyway, here they are:

Childish Ways

Some people say
You’re stuck in your ways.

Billy stay stuck
Stay stuck Billy
Stay stuck

Some people have got nothing better to do
Than to try and be where it’s at,
Until the time comes for the stabbing of backs.

I look at all this and I say:

Billy stay stuck
Stay stuck Billy
Stay stuck

Some people are not worth talking to
Because talking’s all that they do,
And meaning is the real taboo.

“Let me explain my latest piece
It’s just me in a gallery
Asking for your money
Oh, the irony! Oh, the irony!”

Oh, but is it art? Who cares?
Here’s the question you should be asking:
Is it even interesting?

Oh, but is it art? Oh, but what is art?
Whatever art is or may be
It’s only ever childish ways
That make it live and make it
Worth playing with.

Craven slaves of the rational mind.
Adults at a dinner party
Talking about their careers
And boring their poor children to tears –
Your kind sicken me.

I refute the value of these putative artists.

It takes a child to know
The emperor has no clothes.

It takes a child to know
Emin and Hirst have no clothes.

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