I used to suffer from hyperventilation attacks.
Since I've given up cigarettes (ha ha), whenever I lapse, well, it's okay if I'm drinking, but if the relapse lasts longer, and I smoke again after I've sobered up, I feel very ill. The other night, I had to have a lie down in a darkened room, and I felt that strange tingling in my fingers that I used to get at the onset of my hyperventilation attacks.
I've just had another cigarette, due to a fit of nervousness, and I feel ill again. I really should give up for good and all. Does anyone have any tips (and not just filter tips)?
I think I'm going to have to lie down again.
I am told that hipnotism works… And one day, I will try it.
Yes, I’ve heard that. I suppose, as with all addictions and bad habits, the reason I can’t give up is because I’m not one person, but two – one who wants to give up, and one who doesn’t.
I share the same problem. :DDon´t worry, we be two stupids still smoking…one way or another, we´ll give it up. 🙂
And a third stupid here. Hypnotism only works if you let it. I get sick if I smoke more than one or two cigs a day and I’ve never smoked more than that, some times not at all. For me, it’s more a thing I do when i’m terribly nervous or just had to speak in public or something. I find it comforting. Plus it weirds out my super-straight friends 🙂 Yes, I am mentally only twelve.
I think I’m mentally only four.
are you?nah… can´t be… then if so, you are a prodigy! 😀
Well, if not mentally, then at least emotionally, that is when I’m not emotionally one hundred and four.