
Unless I'm researching something specific, I usually find very little of interest when 'surfing the net'. However, having sifted through the entire web for you, like a whale sieving plankton, or something very similar, I am now prepared to offer you the very best in Internet… er… stuff.

First of all, the loveliness of possible reconciliation in the following podcast, containing a New Scientist interview with biologist E.O. Wilson, in two parts:

Part one.

Part two.

I also recommend the blog, Interbreeding. Some penetrating insights here.

But perhaps the best website ever to appear on the Internet, is this one here.

11 Replies to “Miscellaneous”

  1. the interbreeding one will take a bit more to study… ๐Ÿ˜€ but, i like the retractions he made about Morrisseyยดs new album and about killing the father. ๐Ÿ˜†

  2. I think it’s more supernatural than conspiracy, but you’d probably have to ask the site owner exactly what he thinks the significance of the whole Diana-Morrissey phenomenon is.Yes, I noticed the Morrissey retraction on Interbreeding. I also very much enjoyed the entries on David Cameron and hyphenation.

  3. :lol:and me, I am always got a pile of them, and depending on my mood, I pick up this one or that one… ridiculous if you think about it! One book, I am still trying to finish and it drives me nuts the writing style in it! i have posted recently my latest reads… :happy:

  4. I’d heard a little about that, the rumours of Paul’s death, but I didn’t realise that some people maintained he had been permanently replaced by a lookalike.I think this was satirised in the film The Rutles. It’s rumoured that one of The Rutles has died, but it turns out he’s just had a very long lie-in.

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