The Age of Consent

I'm slightly drunk now, so probably not in the right state to be articulate. Anyway, I was in a pub this evening and went to the toilet, and, as I stood in front of the urinal, I read the writing on the condom vending machine. I hope you'll appreciate that, although I very much wanted to, I thought people around me might think me strange if I actually took the writing down in my notebook. As a result, I probably can't reproduce it verbatim, but the slogan on the machine was something like this:

Before you insert, make sure you get a definite yes.

Below this was some slightly smaller writing (only very slightly smaller), warning that sex without consent can result in prison sentences. At the very bottom was another slogan, in yet smaller writing, to the effect that, If you don't get a yes/Don't have sex.

There was also a website address, which was:

Am I the only person who finds this totally fucking imbecilic?

How many people honestly go to the trouble to get a definite verbal yes before they have sex? And should it be in writing?

5 Replies to “The Age of Consent”

  1. :lol:there´s a lot of that in England and also America. I remember “seeing please remove plastic before placing in oven” on some food items and alsothose boxes with juice: something about which side was up and where the little straw goes into. I read this and ask myself are people really this stupid???? Luckily, in Portugal it hasn´t gotten to that stage yet. 😀

  2. I find it bizarre. I don’t really understand who is being addressed by a comment like the one on the vending machine. It’s something that, for some bizarre reason, has to be seen to be said or done (apparently), even though there’s not a single living human being for whom it has any actual relevance. Those whom it supposedly addresses most – potential rapists – are obviously those who are going to ignore it anyway. And, I might be wrong here, but I suspect that no one actually wants a world in which specific permission has to be obtained before sex begins. In my understanding, a discussion of the legality of the situation is what’s called a ‘mood killer’.I’m more amused than outraged, really, but still, I wish we could get over this kind of pointless nonsense.

  3. :Dc´est la vie Quentin… imagine a world full of intelligent life forms and how boring it would be to be surrounded with know it alls! (yes, i am drunk today… :lol:)

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