I went along to the Opera Backstage event in London last night. You can read about it here. Unfortunately, I don't have time for a big write-up at the moment, and I'm probably not best qualified to write the event up, anyway, as I'm not very technically inclined when it comes to computers, and there was a definite technical slant to the evening.
I can report that it was pleasant to meet and chat with other members of the Opera community. And here is a picture:
They are, from the left, non-troppo and Lokutus Prime. I’m not sure they want their real names to be made known, so those are their Opera monickers.
I recognize you Quentin and the other two? :p
I thought about going to this, but I don’t read any of the English bloggers, and as far as I know, they don’t read me. I like non-troppo’s ‘tache.
He divulged to me the secret of his moustache – that is, of its twirliness – but since he described it as a secret, I suppose I should not speak it.There is at least one blogger who reads your blog.Actually, though, there wasn’t that much emphasis on the blogging side of things that evening
hey I read lesoldatperdu also! 😀
Sorry, I meant, “at least one English blogger”. I take it that the original statement was referring to English as a description of nationality rather than language used.
:lol:ok… ok…I am not a Brit, but, my hubby is.I am 50% american and 50% portuguese. :pAnd 100% fluent in both languages! 😀
Here! I came to the Azores in 88 and he in 87…. 😀
May I ask where you met?