The Big O

Well, I've decided to change the tone slightly and talk a little – before I go to bed – about the things I love and admire. Well, perhaps one example will suffice for today.

I feel like I should write more on this blog about the writers whose work is an inspiration to me, and tonight I would like to recommend the work of a little known writer who goes by the name of Ulrich Haarburste (there should be two dots over the 'u'). I discovered his oeuvre a few years back when a friend pointed me in the direction of his website. Haarburste is a true artist, and I take my hat off to him. His best work is all available to read, without charge, on his website. In fact, he is an extraordinarily concise writer, so his pieces each take perhaps a minute to read. They have, however, enriched my life beyond calculation. I especially like the one set in the massage parlour.

I notice that, since I last looked at this site, there has been posted news about a novel in the offing. I am aquiver with expectation.

7 Replies to “The Big O”

  1. Ha, that massage parlor story is the best. When I think of clingfilm I am reminded of all the Chinese women I would see in the health club change rooms. After their workouts they would shower , wrap their plump bodies in clingfilm and then put on their clothes. :rolleyes:

  2. That sounds extremely uncomfortable. I suppose it’s like a disposable, all-over girdle. I’ll have to try it sometime. My obesity is getting out of hand.

  3. Okay, I can read it now.It does seem like a strange practice. I read recently that part of the obesity problem in the West is to do with central heating/air conditioning – the maintenance throughout our lives of an even temperature. Also, lack of sleep.

  4. Well, it’s not my theory, I merely read it – and only casually. Apparently research has failed to uncover the substantial link between obesity and junkfood that people were looking for. No, hang on, maybe it was a substantial causal link. In other words, apparently getting people to give up junk food etc. has not led to loss of weight in the way expected, indicating there are other factors at work.I do like the bit about lack of sleep leading to obesity, anyway. It gives me a good excuse for my inability to get up in the mornings.

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