
In the comments section of a recent entry, I posted a poem by Stevie Smith, the title of which is 'Happiness':


Happiness is silent, or speaks equivocally for friends,

Grief is explicit and her song never ends,

Happiness is like England, and will not state a case,

Grief, like Guilt, rushes in and talks apace.

This reminds me of Henry de Montherlant's maxim that "happiness writes white", and of Tolstoy's assertion that all happy families are alike, but unhappy families are each unique in their misery.

I was thinking of writing an entry on happiness anyway, partly because there's a song on Elliot Smith's Figure 8 album called Happiness that I have very much taken to lately. The song seems to be about the way in which two people in a (romantic) relationship mutually engineer their unhappiness. That's how I've been reading it, anyway, although it has to be said that it seems like Elliott Smith (who was, incidentally, orginally Steven Smith) seems to be very deliberate about keeping his songs ambiguous. The song ends with the repeated couplet, "What I used to be will pass away and then you'll see/That all I want now is happiness for you and me", suggesting that behind the mind games there lies a kind of indestructible hope or desire for an end to the mind games.

I suppose I have a similar feeling about happiness; it's there waiting, if we only knew how to end these mind games. So far, I don't know how to end them, or if they ever will end, but just this morning I wrote out a few notes for a story called 'A Cup of Tea', which, if I write it in full, will deal with this theme.

Thinking about happiness, and the fact that we are, to quote John Hegley, in Winter's hinterland, I remembered one of my all-time favourite passages of literature ever, which happens to deal with the subject of happiness. Most people, if asked to present happiness as a picture, would probably have sunshine in it, and maybe even go as far as to have palm trees and the like. The picture of happiness presented by Thomas De Quincey, author of the sublime Confessions of an English Opium Eater is somewhat different, and I must say, I am much in sympathy with his version of happiness. People talk about SAD – I can't now remember what the acronym stands for – but personally I find nothing more agreeable than to have to wrap myself up in scarfs, gloves, coat and many layers beneath to brave cold winds and rain or snow. I like the feeling of being buried alive in my own memories and subconscious that the long darkness of autumn and winter brings. I have never understood this desire that people seem to have for heat, heat and more heat. In the words of Morrissey, from the song The Lazy Sunbathers, "The sun burns through to the planet's core/And it isn't enough, they want more".

Anyway, please enjoy a picture of happiness, as dictated to a painter by the English opium eater:

From Confessions of an English Opium Eater:

I have said already, that on a subject so important to us all as happiness, we should listen with pleasure to any man’s experience or experiments, even though he were but a plough-boy, who cannot be supposed to have ploughed very deep into such an intractable soil as that of human pains and pleasures, or to have conducted his researches upon any very enlightened principles. But I who have taken happiness both in a solid and liquid shape, both boiled and unboiled, both East India and Turkey — who have conducted my experiments upon this interesting subject with a sort of galvanic battery, and have, for the general benefit of the world, inoculated myself, as it were, with the poison of 8000 drops of laudanum per day (just for the same reason as a French surgeon inoculated himself lately with cancer, an English one twenty years ago with plague, and a third, I know not of what nation, with hydrophobia), I (it will be admitted) must surely know what happiness is, if anybody does. And therefore I will here lay down an analysis of happiness; and as the most interesting mode of communicating it, I will give it, not didactically, but wrapped up and involved in a picture of one evening, as I spent every evening during the intercalary year when laudanum, though taken daily, was to me no more than the elixir of pleasure. This done, I shall quit the subject of happiness altogether, and pass to a very different one — the pains of opium.

Let there be a cottage standing in a valley, eighteen miles from any town — no spacious valley, but about two miles long by three-quarters of a mile in average width; the benefit of which provision is that all the family resident within its circuit will compose, as it were, one larger household, personally familiar to your eye, and more or less interesting to your affections. Let the mountains be real mountains, between 3,000 and 4,000 feet high, and the cottage a real cottage, not (as a witty author has it) “a cottage with a double coach-house;” let it be, in fact (for I must abide by the actual scene), a white cottage, embowered with flowering shrubs, so chosen as to unfold a succession of flowers upon the walls and clustering round the windows through all the months of spring, summer, and autumn — beginning, in fact, with May roses, and ending with jasmine. Let it, however, not be spring, nor summer, nor autumn, but winter in his sternest shape. This is a most important point in the science of happiness. And I am surprised to see people overlook it, and think it matter of congratulation that winter is going, or, if coming, is not likely to be a severe one. On the contrary, I put up a petition annually for as much snow, hail, frost, or storm, of one kind or other, as the skies can possibly afford us. Surely everybody is aware of the divine pleasures which attend a winter fireside, candles at four o’clock, warm hearth-rugs, tea, a fair tea-maker, shutters closed, curtains flowing in ample draperies on the floor, whilst the wind and rain are raging audibly without,

And at the doors and windows seem to call,

As heav’n and earth they would together mell;

Yet the least entrance find they none at all;

Whence sweeter grows our rest secure in massy hall.

Castle of Indolence.

All these are items in the description of a winter evening which must surely be familiar to everybody born in a high latitude. And it is evident that most of these delicacies, like ice-cream, require a very low temperature of the atmosphere to produce them; they are fruits which cannot be ripened without weather stormy or inclement in some way or other. I am not “particular,” as people say, whether it be snow, or black frost, or wind so strong that (as Mr. — says) “you may lean your back against it like a post.” I can put up even with rain, provided it rains cats and dogs; but something of the sort I must have, and if I have it not, I think myself in a manner ill-used; for why am I called on to pay so heavily for winter, in coals and candles, and various privations that will occur even to gentlemen, if I am not to have the article good of its kind? No, a Canadian winter for my money, or a Russian one, where every man is but a co-proprietor with the north wind in the fee-simple of his own ears. Indeed, so great an epicure am I in this matter that I cannot relish a winter night fully if it be much past St. Thomas’s day, and have degenerated into disgusting tendencies to vernal appearances. No, it must be divided by a thick wall of dark nights from all return of light and sunshine. From the latter weeks of October to Christmas Eve, therefore, is the period during which happiness is in season, which, in my judgment, enters the room with the tea-tray; for tea, though ridiculed by those who are naturally of coarse nerves, or are become so from wine-drinking, and are not susceptible of influence from so refined a stimulant, will always be the favourite beverage of the intellectual; and, for my part, I would have joined Dr. Johnson in a bellum internecinum against Jonas Hanway, or any other impious person, who should presume to disparage it. But here, to save myself the trouble of too much verbal description, I will introduce a painter, and give him directions for the rest of the picture. Painters do not like white cottages, unless a good deal weather-stained; but as the reader now understands that it is a winter night, his services will not be required except for the inside of the house.

Paint me, then, a room seventeen feet by twelve, and not more than seven and a half feet high. This, reader, is somewhat ambitiously styled in my family the drawing-room; but being contrived “a double debt to pay,” it is also, and more justly, termed the library, for it happens that books are the only article of property in which I am richer than my neighbours. Of these I have about five thousand, collected gradually since my eighteenth year. Therefore, painter, put as many as you can into this room. Make it populous with books, and, furthermore, paint me a good fire, and furniture plain and modest, befitting the unpretending cottage of a scholar. And near the fire paint me a tea-table, and (as it is clear that no creature can come to see one such a stormy night) place only two cups and saucers on the tea-tray; and, if you know how to paint such a thing symbolically or otherwise, paint me an eternal tea-pot — eternal à parte ante and à parte post — for I usually drink tea from eight o’clock at night to four o’clock in the morning. And as it is very unpleasant to make tea or to pour it out for oneself, paint me a lovely young woman sitting at the table. Paint her arms like Aurora’s and her smiles like Hebe’s. But no, dear M., not even in jest let me insinuate that thy power to illuminate my cottage rests upon a tenure so perishable as mere personal beauty, or that the witchcraft of angelic smiles lies within the empire of any earthly pencil. Pass then, my good painter, to something more within its power; and the next article brought forward should naturally be myself — a picture of the Opium-eater, with his “little golden receptacle of the pernicious drug” lying beside him on the table. As to the opium, I have no objection to see a picture of that, though I would rather see the original. You may paint it if you choose, but I apprise you that no “little” receptacle would, even in 1816, answer my purpose, who was at a distance from the “stately Pantheon,” and all druggists (mortal or otherwise). No, you may as well paint the real receptacle, which was not of gold, but of glass, and as much like a wine-decanter as possible. Into this you may put a quart of ruby-coloured laudanum; that, and a book of German Metaphysics placed by its side, will sufficiently attest my being in the neighbourhood. But as to myself — there I demur. I admit that, naturally, I ought to occupy the foreground of the picture; that being the hero of the piece, or (if you choose) the criminal at the bar, my body should be had into court. This seems reasonable; but why should I confess on this point to a painter? or why confess at all? If the public (into whose private ear I am confidentially whispering my confessions, and not into any painter’s) should chance to have framed some agreeable picture for itself of the Opium-eater’s exterior, should have ascribed to him, romantically an elegant person or a handsome face, why should I barbarously tear from it so pleasing a delusion — pleasing both to the public and to me? No; paint me, if at all, according to your own fancy, and as a painter’s fancy should teem with beautiful creations, I cannot fail in that way to be a gainer. And now, reader, we have run through all the ten categories of my condition as it stood about 1816-17, up to the middle of which latter year I judge myself to have been a happy man, and the elements of that happiness I have endeavoured to place before you in the above sketch of the interior of a scholar’s library, in a cottage among the mountains, on a stormy winter evening.

But now, farewell — a long farewell — to happiness, winter or summer! Farewell to smiles and laughter! Farewell to peace of mind! Farewell to hope and to tranquil dreams, and to the blessed consolations of sleep.

8 Replies to “Happiness”

  1. Hello Vishesh Srivastava.So, what’s the secret of happiness? I promise I won’t tell anyone. Send me a private message if you like.Quentin.

  2. I should add that the really important things on your list are beyond my abilities – love and giving of myself. I can smile wryly and laugh in a hollow manner. What was the other thing?

  3. Anonymous writes:Hello Quentin,Try giving happiness to others … you’ll be more than happy. Also, the secrets of happiness are to be shared … so, no need to keep this to yourself. I won’t mind even if you tell this to everyone in the world!Thanks,Vishesh Srivastava

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