If I Ever Had a Fan…

A friend sent me this episode (in two parts) of something called Tenacious D. Some of you out there may be familiar with it already. The episode in question is called The Fan. I think this is what will happen if I ever get one. Be warned.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Changing the subject slightly, the first unregistered vistors after I revoked my ban on anonymous comments were… well, let's just say I deleted them. For some reason, they went straight for the Gothic literature post, the original source of the trouble. What's happening there, exactly?

It wasn't a great start to the day. I think that, if this kind of anonymous visitor outnumbers unregistered visitors with something actually to say and who abide by the simple rules I set out of providing a name and Internet address, then I will have to ban anonymous comments ONCE AGAIN. It's very disappointing – to me, too – that I can't just rise above this sort of thing, but apparently I can't, so I suppose I should just accept that. I honestly think the people responsible should be throttled. On the whole, I don't support the death penatly, but in the case of bad manners, I make an exception.

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