The Best Things in Life are Tax-Free (For the Present)

Sorry it's taking me a while to get back to people about things. I'm currently having to fill in a tax-form, which is claiming most of my psychic and emotional energy, I'm afraid. I suffer from some strange form of dyslexia when it comes to filling in forms. I look at all the blanks, and my mind goes… blank. I would not be surprised if one day this particular deficiency of mine lands me in prison. Anyway, I hate forms. There are no words for my loathing of forms. I'm sure there'll be a great deal of paperwork to fill in when I get to Hell.

So, in the meantime, please enjoy these pictures I took yesterday during the brief interval that the snow settled here:

The entire photo album is here.

8 Replies to “The Best Things in Life are Tax-Free (For the Present)”

  1. Being frozen solid here in Utah, It is hard to appreciate the fine photos you posted, but keep ’em coming! Regarding the tax thing, it is inevitable, like death and Spam…:D You could just put N/A in all the blanks, and hide out somewhere….

  2. Hello Everyone.謝謝CFI. Thanks for dropping by. I’m afraid that the last two characters of your first message have turned to squares on my screen, but I can read 好.Hello Lei. Congratulations on your choice. I hope you find it a pleasant and interesting environment. As I said, please do let me know if you have any other questions.And hello Ravo. I do wish we could have at least enough snow and ice here for it actually to feel like winter, though I appreciate that there are some people who have to deal with quite extreme winters. I think I’ve broken the back of the tax form now, or as much of it as I am able to break alone, so I’ll go along to the tax office tomorrow and see if I can get someone to help me with the remainder.

  3. I love your snow photos Quentin – especially the graveyard shots. They have (dare I say it)almost a ‘gothic’ feel to them.I also particularly admire the splash of colour from the poppies against their muted background.

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