
I've just noticed a couple of rather annoying mistakes in my collection Rule Dementia! They occur on pages 46 and 47 of that book, in the middle of 'The Haunted Bicycle'. The first of them is as follows: There should be no break in text between "This was not just an isolated spooky bicycle in an otherwise normal world" and "Is it just us?"

Secondly, the following line should be inserted between "After a number of exchanges of this sort we gave up" and "This suggestion was taken up very enthusiastically by Les":

“Perhaps we have to ride the bike first,” I suggested.

Sorry about that.

If anyone out there has puzzled over any similar omissions or mistakes in any of my books, please let me know and I shall do my best to supply the omissions and correct the mistakes.

2 Replies to “Errata”

  1. Hi,Quentin,There will be 2 hours until the Chinese Spring Festival come.We always send wishes to our friends,family and other guys we know.It is just like the Christmas in western countries.That,I will give my best wishes for you in the following New Year in Chinese way.:)

  2. Xin nien dao!Hello Lei. Here are Zhongguo Wawa (whom I listened to while I was in Taiwan) here to wish you and everyone xin nien kuale. Happy Chinese New Year!:

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