She’s Lost Control?

I'm not a fan of Britney Spears, but I couldn't help admiring her new haircut. I think that suddenly she looks genuinely attractive.

I was surprised to find the text of the articles featuring pictures of this new haircut to be, well, deeply negative.

Here's Professor Gary Cooper, professor of psychology and health at Lancaster University:

"She's obviously quite a disturbed girl at the moment, she doesn't know who or what she is."

Oh, and the rest of us do, I suppose, Professor Cooper? You know what Socrates said, realising that you know nothing is the beginning of true wisdom.

Maybe Prof. Gary Cooper is just 'concerned', but this is how it looks to me: For the first time in her career Britney Spears is doing something that hasn't been coordinated by some cabal of faceless executives, and a lot of men in suits don't like it and want to encourage the idea that she's gone crazy and needs to get back on the rails.

Maybe she's just beginning to go sane. Who knows? In any case, I wish her luck. And nice haircut!

11 Replies to “She’s Lost Control?”

  1. And on the plus side, it saves beaucoup bucks in hair products!Seriously, I have no opinion on this. It seems more an attention grabbing device, as when she went sans panties out in public. Still, I wouldn’t want her job for–well, maybe for the kind of money she’s making, but still, it would be awful to have every single thing you do analysed and commented upon. She’s not as bad as everyone makes out; but she’s not all that, either.

  2. Yes, I agree totally. I have abosolutely no idea what she’s like as a person. I have never seen her speak or read an interview with her. I just didn’t like the tone of all the media coverage. Which shouldn’t really be a surprise. But I don’t see why a haircut should be a sign of insanity and the rest of her career should somehow exemplify sanity. The implication seems to be – follow the corporate suits and you’re sane. Maybe she does need help, but if so, she’s needed help all along just being in the business she’s in.Besides, I was surprised how charming her face actually is beneath a shorn pate. I am reminded of an episode in a novel by Mishima in which the love interest makes an overnight decision to shave her hair and become a nun, and remains a nun for the rest of her life. There are some who find the idea of women shaving their hair somehow threatening, but it can be a kind of freedom from expectation, I think.But perhaps I’m reading far too much into it.

  3. I say “right on!” Appears to me to be a symbolic show of power, thumbing her nose at the media and fashion world. Either that or a silly publicity stunt. I wonder how many young girls will copy her now?

  4. One of my best friends did that–was shorn, at any rate, the first time I met her. Although her temperament and Britney’s (I’m assuming) are worlds apart.Anyway, if it’s what she wants, to hell with the suits. (sorry. Am up two martinis tonight, and they always give me opinions.)M

  5. 😆 good point! —> “She’s obviously quite a disturbed girl at the moment, she doesn’t know who or what she is.”Oh, and the rest of us do, I suppose, Professor Cooper? You know what Socrates said, realising that you know nothing is the beginning of true wisdom.

  6. “good point!”Thank you. I try.”Work! When did that happen?”Um, I think it started a week ago yesterday. I’m writing for a magazine. I have to finish eight articles by mid-march. I’ve written the rough drafts of three. It’s harder than I anticipated.

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