
I have been tagged by Melissa. The rules of this tag game are as follows:

Pick up the book you're reading, turn to page 123, post 5th paragraph, title & author.

Then tag 5 more people.

So, without further ado:

It soon became apparent that while Mou-lau was able to keep the men from coming upstairs, he was unable to prevail on them to leave. With the two sedan chairs ready, I ordered my servant, who was very handy with his fists, to go down first and clear a way for us. Hsiu-feng took Tsui-ku and followed him, while I took Hsi-erh and brought up the rear. We rushed downstairs all at once and, with the help of my servant, Hsiu-feng and Tsui-ku escaped by the door. One of the men downstairs grabbed hold of Hsi-erh as we ran past, but I kicked at his arm so that he let go of her. Hsi-erh ran out, with me following behind her. My servant stayed by the door to keep them from chasing after us.

Not really the most interesting paragraph in the book, unfortunately. Actually, this kind of thing makes me realise how unutterably boring I find what is apparently the staple of entertainment – action. Oh well. The book is: Six Records of a Floating Life, by Shen Fu.

I'll tag some people later, and probably list them on this post.


I've decided to tag the following:






I shall be in touch with them soon.

7 Replies to “Tagged”

  1. sounded interesting to me! heyyyy!! is that the very wickedlizard just above me? I got tagged by her (felt good) and – well – you’ll just have to read what I posted ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. “sounded interesting to me!”The book as a whole is interesting, although my intuition tells me that, as usual, it’s a fairly poor translation. The prose reads as if it’s gone through the blandness processor that seems obligatory for a lot of these translations.I once knew a girl who said that she had enormous trouble following action films – the very films that are supposed to be made for everyone to follow. I sympathised. I do, increasingly, find action in stories to be tedious – unless it’s Steven Seagal, of course, I mean, that’s a different kettle of fish. But, on the whole, it just bores me to tears. I feel like saying, “Calm down. Relax. Let’s all just sit down and take it slowly.” You know, sad as it is, I’m not five years old anymore. All this hyperactivity exhausts me. And action is not quotable. I can’t really drop into conversation, “Well, you know, as Shen Fu used to say, ‘With the two sedan chairs ready, I ordered my servant, who was very handy with his fists, to go down first and clear a way for us.'” Although, actually, I might try.

  3. BUT I’M NOT READING A BOOK? What do I do? Do I use the last book that I think I’ve read????:lol: :lol:I was thinking about reading a couple or more days ago, but I decided against it. I wrote instead.I think I was in the middle of a book on classical music, or was it one about the struggles of the social classes. I think I probably didn’t finish either. Still got a communist book to complete. I asked for the ‘Communist Manifesto’ in a bookstore once but I just got looked at oddly. Hmmm bigots!Hmmmmmm… I wanna learn about black magic, sounds like ‘a bit of fun’. :lol:Bring on the Cornwall MASSIVE!There’s an occult bookstore in Swansea, I forget exactly where it is, but I’m sure I can find out.

  4. Black Magic in Clapham, eh? That explains a great deal. I’ve had some bad experiences in Clapham.To be honest, I don’t mind if you cheat in this tag thing. Unfortunately, as a law-abiding citizen myself, I was unable to disobey the injunction to tag five other people.

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