The eyes have had it

My eyes are still bad. This looks like being a long-standing problem with me and computers until the day I can actually afford to see some sort of medical specialist or something, and probably even afterwards. So please forgive me if, sometimes, seemingly for no reason, I stop being internet-functional for short or long periods. I only have one pair of eyes. Unlike in the media world, in the real world, problems do not go away once they stop making headlines, so, boring as it is, I'm afraid this problem will probably continue indefinitely, intermittently or otherwise.

7 Replies to “The eyes have had it”

  1. Catherine D writes:Hi Q – hope I might see you at Cathryn’s on Saturday?I hope your eyes are OK. i have a nasty thing going on with a cyst on my eyelid. Negative – have an appointment to have it PINNED and SLICED off at the end of the month. Positive – will hopefully get rid of the damn thing, stop interfering with my eyesight and I have an excuse to dress like a pirate (wooden leg, parrot optional) for a few days following the op.But I’m only having to wait a matter of weeks to see someone so could you get a referral for your eyes also? Important things, like you say.By the way, just referring to your last post. I like reading your blog every so often. I don’t mind if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Plenty of noisier more ignorant people have no self-consciousness about that at all. I don’t always agree with you but who is right anyway? I’m still glad to read what you think. Always good to know that people are thinking. So hope that you’ll keep it up when you’re in good health!

  2. Hello Catherine.My eyes are nto okay, or they certainly don’t feel okay, but I’m going to see a specialist today. I decided I had to do it whatever the cost, and luckily, this AM I received a cheque for which I have been waiting for some months.Good luck with your pinning and slicing.I’ve been thinking for some time about how to continue this blog, as I’m not really happy with what I’ve been doing with it so far. I must say that, blog-wise, I’m not feeling inspired. Anyway, I’m considering posting shorter, pithier posts on more varied and less personal topics.Or at the very least, shorter posts. That, I think, will be very necessary.I don’t think I’ll be able to make Saturday. I’m afraid I’ve been very much out of the loop with one thing and another, and have been retreating, at every available opportunity, to my room. I’ve also been spending a great deal of time with Joanna Newsom, to whom I was introduced on my birthday. Here she is being splendid (not the git with the beard):

  3. Ah, the sister of Rufus Wainwright (children of Loudon Wainwright III)! The plot thickens. Someone was just recommending Rufus to me the other day.

  4. Hi Quentin,If it’s any consolation, I have the same problem with my eyes after a few hours with the computer. I think it is a function of staring perpherally at all the white space that is typical on a web page….

  5. Well, apparently their father wrote a song about Rufus when he was breast-feeding called ‘Rufus is a Tit-Man’. I mean, that’s like dragging your baby onto Oprah Winfrey to thrash out your sexual-jealousy issues. I think that would have annoyed me if it had been my dad doing that.

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