Strange Tales, Volume II

I keep meaning to let readers know what stories I have forthcoming, and I've left it so late that one of them has already come. My story 'The Fairy Killer' is now available in the anthology Strange Tales, Volume II, from Tartarus Press.

I also believe (to be confirmed, as they say) that I shall have something new coming out from Rainfall Books before too long.

In the distant future, a novella of mine written many, many years ago will also be published by Pendragon Press, in the Triquorum series.

A short story of mine is to feature in Postscripts 13.

And a story of mine is also confirmed for the anthology Holy Horrors.

I think that's the main stuff on the forthcoming list, apart, of course, from the big(gish) one, which is my novella, Shrike, due out from PS Publishing next year.

Hopefully there is also lots of other stuff in the pipeline.

We shall see.

27 Replies to “Strange Tales, Volume II”

  1. Er… Merrry Christmas!Thanks.Slightly bewildered by the synchronised seasons greetings. Is the 9th of December offically seasons greetings day? But I appreciate it.

  2. Anonymous writes:

    Allo there, Do you have any additional information in regard to the Pendragon Press volume? Also, the possible Rainfall Books work is something other than _The Psychopomps_ chapbook? Thank you.-anon-

  3. Hello Anon.Yes, I’ve had word that the Rainfall book (which is something completely new and other than the Psychopomps thing), will be coming out in about a week or two. The title is ‘Sado-ga-shima’. It’s a one-off long-short story. It should be worth getting just for the cover art. Details don’t seem to be up at the website yet, though, so I’ll ask about that again to make sure.I don’t know when the Pendragon Press volume will come out. I’m afraid it may take some time, or so I’ve been told. The story of mine that will be included (‘The Resort’) is something that I wrote a long time back that almost made it into Morbid Tales, but was too long for that (I wasn’t prepared to re-write it as a shorter piece). It deals with themes of virtual reality.Thanks for the enquiry.

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