Back in Wales soon

Everything I've ever said is a lie.

It's so tiresome.

10 Replies to “Back in Wales soon”

  1. Peter A Leonard writes:

    “Everything I’ve ever said is a lie.”Ahh, so this, too, is untrue? But if that’s the case, everything you’ve ever said is the truth? So why start lying now?

  2. Maf writes:

    Hello QuentinJust thought I’d pop by via Click Opera and have a peek at your blog….have added it to me bookmarks, so no pressure on you to supply me with daily doses of effervescent wit…pleased to meet you. I note you were at the Momus show at Spitz, I was there too and he sang my song. Thought No Bra was outstanding too…toodle pipmaf ( star of music hall)

  3. We learn to lie. Usually our parents teach us. Children are born incapable of lying. That is why there are known tell signs associated with lying.

  4. “It’s not working… I’m still here.”I realised afterwards I’d got the formula wrong. I should have used the present tense. Anyway, you should be careful, or you just might find yourself outdoing me in self-deprecation, and you don’t want to go down that road.”Now, I wonder if we know when we tell lies if we never bothered to define truth?”Well, this is the problem, isn’t it. It may seem strange, but I believe I have been deeply influenced (or perhaps scarred) by the lines from Bowie’s Quicksand:Don’t believe in yourselfDon’t deceive with beliefKnowledge comes with death’s release.”We learn to lie. Usually our parents teach us. Children are born incapable of lying. That is why there are known tell signs associated with lying.”This is a very simple, but very interesting and profound fact. And I’m sure, without doing research, that you must be right. We learn to lie. I suppose that’s the loss of innocence.Hello Maf.Very pleased indeed to make the acquaintance of someone who is a star forever.”I note you were at the Momus show at Spitz, I was there too and he sang my song. Thought No Bra was outstanding too…”Yes, I missed No Bra, thanks to my friend, I’d dragged along, who insisted we get some pints at a nearby pub first. I love him really. I believe you were also there at the library gig somewhere on the lower reaches of (I think I’m right in saying) the Northern Line.Now, I shall just have to try and be effervescent. Good luck getting arrested.

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