Another Blog

I've just stumbled upon this blog, which looks very interesting to me. In particular, I am interested in this entry and this entry.

I'd like to reproduce from the second of those two entries, the list of censored/suppressed news stories for the year 2007. These are there for me and you to find out more about ourselves, if we wish:

1. The Future of the Internet: giant cable companies seek a monopoly on cable Internet
2. Halliburton charged with selling nuclear secrets to Iran – illegally – under Cheney
3. The worldwide death of oceans: warming, toxic buildup, dead zones, changing PH balance, fish, grass and kelp die offs
4. Hunger and homelessness in the US on the rise: Government solution? Discontinue Census surveys that keep statistical tables on poverty
5. US supports genocide in the Congo to gain access to resources used to make high-tech gadgetry such as cell phones
6. The end of federal whistleblower protections
7. US operatives torture detainees to death in Afghanistan and Iraq
8. Pentagon exempts itself from the Freedom of Information Act
9. World Bank funds the Palestine-Israel Wall
10. The death toll of civilians in Iraq from the expanded air war
11. Dangers of genetically modified foods confirmed
12. The dangers of common pesticides like Roundup
13. Homeland Security contracts KBR (a Halliburton subsidiary) to build detention centers in the US
14. The EPA's primary research partner is the chemical industry
15. Ecuador and Mexico defy the US on the international criminal court
16. The Iraq reconstruction promotes OPEC agenda: profit for major US oil companies
17. Physicist concludes that official 9/11 explanation is scientifically implausible
18. Destruction of rainforests is at an all-time high
19. Bottled water: a global environmental problem
20. Gold mining threatens ancient Andean glaciers
21. Billions in homeland security undisclosed
22. US Oil targets Kyoto in Europe
23. Cheney's Halliburton stock rose of 3000 percent last year
24. Pentagon plans to build new landmines
25. US military in Paraguay threatens the region

I'm particularly interested in number 11. I have always been against genetically modified foods. Apart from anything else, I see no need for them. It seems to me that the people who will benefit will be those who run the food industry, since they will be able to patent foods and cream off royalties. I recently heard rumours that the US government has actually forbidden labelling of any food to inform consumers whether it contains GM products. I have heard further rumours that US agents have deliberately contaminated British crops with GM material in order to sabotage British resistance to GM foods. I have been meaning to write a post about this, but have not yet done enough research on it. If anyone can assist me with information, I would be very grateful.

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