Colony collapse disorder

Reading this, I get the overwhelming feeling that the reason that bees are dying out is simply that human beings are vile.

Let's face it, we're doomed.

10 Replies to “Colony collapse disorder”

  1. Well, as others have pointed out, some things have gone extinct without our help in the past (most things, if taken from the dawn of life on this planet), but it does seem to have got to the point where there are so many of us now, all demanding the right to… well, babies, for a start, and also things like SUVs, as I think they’re called, that there’s very little (if anything) on the planet that isn’t affected by us. It’s not as if I have no sympathy for humans. I mean, we’re basically brought into the world through no choice of our own (by mothers demanding their right not to lead empty lives, but to pass the buck on to their children) and plonked down in the middle of an environment in which we are utterly insignificant while at the same time being cursed with the consciousness that gives us an (almost) psychopathic need to be significant. There is no explanation for this, and no reason. And the result is horror and despair. And, is it any wonder then that we colectively (whether we are conscious of it or not) turn upon and murder the ultimate mother, which is Mother Earth? Having said that, I think there are some of us who can look around and still say, “Well, yes, things are bad, but I wouldn’t do that!” In other words, we can recognise levels of vileness. Some vileness is maybe even qualitatively different to other vileness. For some reason there seems to be a tendency in human history for the vilest people of all to rise to the top of the pile. If we don’t want to murder our future (and maybe the despair is so great that we do), we really have to change our values so that we’re not supporting scum all the time, because that’s generally how things work at the moment. Scum gets the backing almost every time.

  2. i agree with you.we’re almost like parasites on earth.while all’s not lost ofcourse, as in there’s a lot of our race that actualy does care about what we’re doing to earth, but the ones on top are always the ones who got there by NOT caring about anything.the vast majority of us don’t realy think much on our own. we follow the guy who seems surest of himself, and can paint the prettiest picture for us.that inevitably ends up being the one who just wants to get to the top and that is his only concern.were not the meek supposed to inherit the earth?each and every one of us looks at precisely ourselves and what we want.we’re supposedly blessed with the gift of the ability to “think”, but the only use most of us put it to is to think how to further out own short-term interests.i personally feel “thought” is wasted upon most of us.we can ponder endless on the world and its ways, but when it comes down literally to what we choose to do, few of us are able to look beyond ourselves, at what is good for the u rightly mentioned, babies!!our god-given right to procreate.we can think and think and think.but we can’t get past the primordial urge to propagate our own particular set of genes. i seriously wonder, why hasn’t adoption caught on big time?i mean even all of the biggest stars are doing it!!shouldn’t all of us follow like lemmings?i don’t hate the human race.infact i realy quite love’s got so much to it.its so diverse.for all the bad there is, there is a hell lotta good too.but collectively as a species, based on what we’re doing, we’re so selfish, it’s nothing but plain old sad.i know things went extinct without our help as well.but now, as you said, with nothing remaining unaffected by us, it seems we’re making sure only we get the credit for whatever goes extinct next.

  3. I think I’ve confused myself over the years trying to define what I think about this or that. Language confuses because it defines certain opposites as mutually exclusive that, outside of the bounds of language, are not mutually exclusive at all. This is my way of saying that my saying the human race are vile can be true and not true at the same time. I’m getting used to this, but I think a lot of people still aren’t. I didn’t mention hate in my original post, but, in response to you saying that you don’t hate the human race, I suppose I’d say that I do and I don’t at the same time. I’m not sure I can stretch as far as love at the moment, though, unfortunately. If you can, that’s good. I do feel that there is enormous potential in the human race, though, and, as you say, more than anything else, it’s sad that we fail – through selfishness – to realise that potential. I’ve been thinking, for a while, of writing a post under the title of ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’, a reference to the novel of that title, and the Jonathan Swift quote from which it comes. It seems that, whenever anyone has some kind of gift for the world, they have to spend all their energy, until the day they die, fighting off the idiots who hate them for having a gift, rather than actually developing that gift for the benefit of all. Just something I’ve been thinking about.

  4. i wrote a nice long comment again, articulating my thoughts on this one-sided love-hate relationship i share with the human race, and when i hit submit, i got disconnected. i do not have it in me to write all of it again :-)lesson learnt, copy what you write onto your clipboard. just in case.anyhow, the important part of the comment being, i do believe you should go ahead and write that post. i, for one, would like to read it.i have not read the book, but i plan to do so sometime soon now. i know of the J.Swift quote and looked up about the book.seems interesting.

  5. i did check out that link.i would though call ’em the eyes of reason, and not being blind and all 😀 naaaa!!m just kidding 🙂 , but i stil would prefer to call ’em the eyes of reason.but all in all, i do agree.hey would u mind much if i add you as a friend? assuming ofcourse that i am able to figure out how to do that.

  6. i did check out that link.i would though call ’em the eyes of reason, and not being blind and all 😀 naaaa!!m just kidding 🙂 , but i stil would prefer to call ’em the eyes of reason.but all in all, i do agree.hey would u mind much if i add you as a friend? assuming ofcourse that i am able to figure out how to do that.

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