Gay Nazis

I really just don't get this kind of thing.

There are a number of reasons why I don't get it. First of all, once you're out of the playground and all those difficult feelings about sexuality, you should, on the surface at least, if you're laying claim to any sort of (pretence of) status as a responsible adult in society, not discriminate between people on the basis of their sexual orientation. I can't really see how it is socially acceptable to propagate such prejudice. Harbour prejudice privately – I don't believe in making anything into a thought crime – by all means, but to uphold such prejudice as some kind of orthodox 'value' is so infantile that I wonder the church hasn't entirely crumbled away from the sheer infantilism of its own mentality.

The second thing is, the Church of England is surely a gay institution anyway. What the hell is going on here?

I'm not just repeating stereotypes. I do have some limited inside information. Naturally, I can't give the name of my source, but I am acquainted with a gay member of the clergy and have heard enough to convince me that within those cloisters the closet doors are wide, wide open. So what the hell is going on?

Is this a PR exercise, to mollify those few people still moping about in the Dark Ages? Is it some bizarre form of self-persecution? What? Whatever it is, stop it! Just stop being so silly.

(PS. Up the Reverend Martin Dudley! Down on with the Right Reverend Richard Chartres!)

(PPS. Have I made it clear exactly what it is in the article I don't get?)

16 Replies to “Gay Nazis”

  1. I’m getting the hang of these. I wonder if I can write a whole sentence with them.:confused: :pirate: :sherlock: 😥 :wine: :beer: 💡 :headbang: :no:

  2. “Stop being so silly!”Well said, and applies to almost everything. No, hang on, everything.And Izzard should be nominated for sainthood. Pre-posthumously, of course.

  3. Thank you.I suppose I should practice what I preach, too. Very difficult. I’m told that Eddie Izzard’s make-up is immaculate. Reminds me of our Lord Jesus a bit.

  4. Perhaps not. I suppose it’s a picture that might leave some feeling less than gruntled. “that’s the 💡 “I think there’s a message for me here, somewhere. Maybe this is where I’ve been going wrong in life.

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