A tale of blood, scandal, ambition, amphibians, rodents and inter-species romance

"If we get the frogs wedded, the Varuna, the god of the oceans, will bless us with rains," Beni Prasad, a farmer in the village of Khapa, told the news service on Sunday.

Please tell me all that you know about frog weddings. My sanity is at stake. I've been under a lot of strain recently.

4 Replies to “A tale of blood, scandal, ambition, amphibians, rodents and inter-species romance”

  1. Anonymous writes:

    “Please tell me all that you know about frog weddings. My sanity is at stake. I’ve been under a lot of strain recently.”There is a belief in certain parts of India that if you make Frogs happy (by having them marry) the rains will come. See the following link for more explanation:http://www.bhopal.net/othernews/archives/2006/07/no_rains_despit.htmlAs to the state of your sanity…well, I firmly believe we are one and all quite, quite insane and therefore unfit to make such value judgements. Further, it may well be that we don’t exist at all…? Watch this space.Regards.Peter

  2. Hello Peter.I know a great many Peters. Are you one of them? Or is it the Peter who has graced this blog with comments a number of times before?I shall gladly follow the link. Thank you. My sanity was threatened by some disappearing news footage of frogs getting married. But if we’re all insane – and I don’t dispute this – then I suppose it doesn’t make any difference.

  3. Peter A Leonard writes:

    “I know a great many Peters. Are you one of them? Or is it the Peter who has graced this blog with comments a number of times before?”Alas, yes, I’m blessed with a very common name; I’m the one who periodically posts to your blog – which blog, I should say provides me great pleasure and ammusement, too, so thanks for that.Kindest regards.:jester: Peter

  4. Thank you. Sorry it’s been a bit lacklustre here recently. I suppose that’s rather a conceited sort of statement, since it suggests that things don’t lack lustre in these parts usually. Also, the phrasing of my question must have given away the fact that none of the Peters I know by face as well as name have posted comments here ‘a number of times’. I think one has once. Or it might have been twice.I’m watching this space. Intermittently.

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