Boy Meets Simulacrum

Thinking about it, as I have done before, perhaps the most significant reason that I continue to favour Morrissey over other singers/songwriters, even when the quality of the music that forms his backdrop ebbs and his lyrics become lazy, is that just about every other 'artist' (by which I mean pop star) in the universe celebrates this whole, loathsome boy-meets-girl thing. The cliche about Morrissey is that he's depressing, but nothing depresses me like boy-meets-girl. From this point of view, Morrissey is the only outsider in pop music. And no one else understands me. To quote the man himself: "Two lovers entwined pass me by/And heaven knows I'm miserable now."

Still, since it must be very boring for my readers (unless they share my views here) if I post only Moz songs to fill in the gaps while, due to work, I can't write decent-length posts, I shall post here a very boy-meets-girl song (kind of) that I happen to like.

And I will get round to answering people, and stuff. I don't know why I should even worry about that when I don't have time, energy or common-sense to look after my own health, and don't have anyone doing it for me, either. Oh well.

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