Joe Franklin Raped Me

Before I go any further, just to be clear, I should point out that Joe Franklin didn't actually rape me. Obviously, it would have been great if he had, but I can't really make that claim. I'm making this clear, just in case anyone – for instance, Joe Franklin – decides to sue me for false advertising. When I wrote 'me' in the title of this blog entry, I didn't mean it literally. I was writing 'in character'. Also, the Joe Franklin of this title doesn't correspond absolutely to the 'literal' person who is actually 'Joe Franklin'. There's probably more than one so-called 'Joe Franklin', anyway. In a sense, you could say that the title of this blog entry is an entirely self-referential fiction. If we take the word 'me' to mean 'individual conceptualised identity', then the title of this blog is very similar to a title such as, 'Mister Spock Raped Burt Kwouk'.

Now that's out of the way, I can proceed to the main business of this entry, which is to say that I am newly enamoured of Sarah Silverman, whom I have only very recently discovered. I don't suppose anything would come of it, but I have been hatching a cunning ruse, whereby, contriving to find myself in the presence of Sarah Silverman, I disguise myself as a medium-to-large piece of Baby Bell Cheese, and see what happens.

I mention all this not gratuitously, but because many things recently have led me to believe what is, after all, only meet and good, that THE JOKE IS ON ME. That is, my contempt for a great many of the posters on Youtube is to my detriment, not theirs. I believe I have uncovered a wonderful fact that I was, until now, too dull and humourless to realise. That is, that the people posting illiterate, ignorant and mind-bendingly stupid comments on Youtube, are in fact practitioners of the art of irony, some of them past masters. I suppose it's possible that Youtube started out as a place where the truly dense could air their views without care or consequence, but by now, by process of alchemy, it has transmuted to a place devoted almost entirely to the finest productions of irony. In fact, I suspect that this irony has by now swept far beyond the confines of Youtube. I shall never again look upon a single human act of expression or interaction without seeing in it a golden and deliberate refinement of irony.

What leads me to such conclusions? Well, I'm sure you all know it's true, anyway, and have just been keeping me in the dark about it for your own amusement. But also, in my growing suspicion, I have challenged one of the ironic hoaxsters on Youtube, and, in my determination, I have unmasked her… or him. And he/she confessed. However, I will not supply the pseudonym of this ironist, since it would spoil the game rather. I will simply quote here the comment which led me to my discovery. Perhaps, thinking of it now, this particular ironist needs a little more practice, since the irony here was too obvious. Then again, perhaps I am still being duped, and the confession of irony that I forced was ironic in some way I am yet to understand. In any case, here is the comment, which I found under the Sarah Silverman clip heading this entry:

She is disgusting. She has NO right to throw accusations like that at Joe Franklin. I'm 100% sure she's lying just to get attention. On the tiny chance it might be true, then sure Joe Franklin deserves to die for raping a child! But it clearly isn't. Also, she had no right to use her disabled brother to get ticket sales, that is so immoral. As for the descriptions of her show, they sound so disgusting. How perverted must a family be to do stuff like that on stage??? She must be so damaged…

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