The Best of Both Worlds

There's been quite a lot of activity over at Thee 00's DANCE TEAM CHOMU (pray without pause(Betet ohne Unterlass)) recently, including the continuing saga of Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin as they chase Korean skirt in 'Cockblocked by H.P. Lovecraft', and Scramble City, a novella simulcast on Chomu and Patchwork Earth.

And I am now very proud to unveil something that, in working on, with the excitement that must have been known to Barnes Wallis as he developed the 'bouncing bomb', Justin and I have been referring to as "the Hannah Montana project". Here, at this link, you may read the very first installment of Who Would Have Thought That a Girl Like Me Would Double as a Superstar?. Rest assured, there will be more to follow.

One Reply to “The Best of Both Worlds”

  1. This is related in as much as it’s something I found while doing a little research: started reading this, and I thought if some group were boycotting Disney it would be because of some kind of fascist corporate activity. But no, they were boycotting Disney because it was not fascist enough. America is just fucking incredible.I’d take my hat off if I wore one. Anyway, the fact that American Family Association has boycotted Disney for “embrace of the homosexual lifestyle” only makes Disney look better to me. I hope they don’t cave in to this ridiculousness (although they maybe already have).And thanks AFA, for “Keeping an eye on the Mouse”. I’m sure that’s what we all need.

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