I often wonder why my life isn't more like this:
It's a real problem, and one that I just can't seem to work out.
Why can't I be Dorothy?
Just another Vivaldi.net Userblogs Sites site
I often wonder why my life isn't more like this:
It's a real problem, and one that I just can't seem to work out.
Why can't I be Dorothy?
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Peter A Leonard writes:
“Why can’t I be Dorothy?”Okay, give in, why can’t you be Dorothy?
I was really hoping that you, or someone else out there, could help me with that.I love these kind of glamorous reclining publicity shots that they used to do in the old days:http://www.jgdb.com/judy14b.jpgAs if softly prostrated by some secret and otherworldly sorrow.But I’m going off at a tangent. I suppose I was looking for something like this:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_fw7iF68JR8k/Rza-cewC3sI/AAAAAAAAHto/nhzVZkJAOLE/judy-garland-as-dorothy-gale-from-the-wizard-of-oz-celebrity-photo+copy.jpgBut now I’m dreaming…http://www.librarising.com/astrology/celebs/images2/J/judygarland2.jpghttp://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/adc/10101583A~Judy-Garland-Wizard-of-Oz-Posters.jpgLife is cruel.
I want to skip everywhere I go. With a basket.
I shall try. I shall improvise. Thank you.
You can be a Dorothy – but here, in our little submarine summer world, you will need a shopping trolley and flippers..Somehow that image isn’t right..Flipper-skipping?Could set a new trend? Stay with the dream……