Various things

I'm actually pretty busy at the moment. I'm sure people won't believe me when I say that, if for no other reasons than 1) I still post entries here and 2) I don't mention in those entries much of what is happening in my actual life, so that people may form the impression that nothing is happening at all.

Well, things are happening. Or, at least, things are keeping me busy. Some people see that as a good thing. "Keeping busy? Good. Good." And so, often, misunderstandings occur if people ask how I've been, and I say, "Busy." I seem to be someone who, perhaps for physiological reasons, needs an extraordinary amount of time for private reflection, and what some might call 'wool-gathering'. I am a kind of cetaceous marine mammal to whom such reflection is air.

I'm getting off the track a bit. This post is meant as another kind of 'busy-back-soon' note on the door. Which is not to say I won't be in here from time to time, just that, well, I might not respond as soon or as expansively as I would like to communications and comments. I mean, you take all this for granted, anyway, don't you? I'm the only one who actually thinks I have to tell you this, aren't I?

Anyway, although I'm quite far from being a workaholic, I think my being busy at the current time is symptomatic of good things rather than soul-crushing things. I shall not say what those things are now. If, by any remote chance, anyone should be curious, then I'm sure those things will come out in the course of time, barring disasters, such as a sudden and unexpected attack of death, or something.

But to get down to business, as the title of this blog entry suggests, there are various things I wanted to post here by way of news and diversion and general bloggishness to give readers a reasonably pleasant 'watch this space' kind of feeling.

First of all, news, or should I say, vague rumour: All indications are that Shrike is progressing towards its release. I do not know the exact release date, but will let the details be known when I can.

Secondly, Mr Wu kindly made me aware that Mishima Yukio's short film, Yuukoku, or, Rite of Love and Death, has now been released on DVD, and may even be viewed online. I have taken the latter option, and it is, indeed, a jean-creaming piece of heavy, full-on art. Bowie tried doing the whole Renaissance man bit, but has mainly failed to convince outside the arena of music (though I'm very fond of The Man Who Fell to Earth), and I can't think of many other modern artists (popular or otherwise) who have even made much of an attempt, let alone succeeded. Mishima was bona fide.

Thirdly, oh, I seem to have forgotten. I felt sure there was something else. Oh yeah, I'm going to see Leonard Cohen on Saturday. That's at least one more thing I wanted to say, and if my busyness will at all permit it, I might report back here.

There might have been something else, too, but I've forgotten.

The Next Day

I knew I'd forgotten something. I posted a link to it before in the comments section, but thought I should post a 'main page' link, too. A while back on Chomu I put up an essay I wrote called 'Useful Parasites'. I wrote it with a particular magazine in mind, but, perhaps appropriately, it was rejected. I'm really very (figuratively) footsore from peddling my wares to publishers who keep one waiting – sometimes for years – only to say 'no', so I put it up on Chomu immediately it was rejected. Since then, on Chomu, there has also been a piece by Brent Peterson, and it's good to see our little stable of writers gradually widening, though it's a shame that so far it is full of stallions, with no mares, except nightmares.

I realise Chomu is a bit irregular, in more ways than one, but would like to encourage people to keep checking back, as we are putting up new things in fits and starts, and don't always makes announcements. There are at least four 'serial' pieces that will be continued (I sincerely hope) at some point, too, namely, 33 Ways of Winning at Life, Who Would Have Thought that a Girl Like Me Would Double as a Superstar?, Scramble City and The Dream Cycle, and if that doesn't keep you occupied until I can fully retutn my attention to this blog, I don't know what will. Incidentally, I am also hoping to serialise my temporarily shelved novel of invertebrate ambition and excess, The Sex Life of Worms, on Chomu at some point. I've honestly got quite a lot on.

7 Replies to “Various things”

  1. Somewhere I heard one of Leonard Cohen’s songs…you know one of those moments where you hear part of a song and you wonder ‘who is that?’ and then it’s gone. He has a haunting voice. Now I know the name and can look for it.BTW, I finally went to the second hand book store and found two books by Carson McCullers. I’m traveling next week to North Dakota and will take one of them with me for the plane ride. Probably The Ballad of the Sad Cafe.

  2. Winters are brutal. Well to me anyway. January is when it gets bad and can get to minus 40 degrees F. with wind, snow, sleet, blizzards, etc. My daughter said I should have come this week because it was in the 60’s during the day. A blizzard is expected next week while I’m there…..lovely. The temp is supposed to drop to 30 in the day and 16 at night. Being in Arizona all my life, I don’t like being cold. But it will be something different and I need a bit of a change. I don’t get to see her much so it will be nice. Her husband is a very sweet guy and I enjoy his company too. The terrain is mostly flat with some rolling hills and hundreds of tiny towns 15 to 20 miles apart. I’ve got a bunch of photos I’ve never uploaded. I’ll have to do that. It’s really very pretty in the spring, summer and fall with the farms and different crops. She and her husband used to live in the tiny town of Hope, pop. about 300. Now they are in Fargo. There is a movie by the name “Fargo” that sort of has a cult following. If you ever see the movie, the people in it and the terrain is exactly it. In fact, I think it was filmed there.

  3. I have seen Fargo, a couple of times, in fact. It features one of my favourite actors, Steve Buscemi. Well, if I can really expect to be dumped into a wood-chip machine and sprayed out over the snow in a crimson fountain, then I’d very much like to visit North Dakota.If you upload those photographs, please let me know.

  4. 😆 That was the only part of the moive I didn’t like. I thought it was gruesome but everyone in the theatre was laughing!:confused: I guess I’m not into blood and gore. I said I wasn’t going to turn on the computer this morning. My ride to the airport will be here in two hours and I haven’t packed. I’ll be sure to let you know about the photos.

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