Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da!

Please excuse this extended lack of the kind of content that leads to intellectual mastication. I'm still busy.

All of the last few posts are basically 'intermission' kind of posts, and I suppose, if I wanted to be consistent in my concept, I would simply leave a single intermission post, but I keep coming up with other little snippets I want to leave. For instance, having just popped into Youtube, I noticed a number of clips under the "Recommended for You" section of the homepage. One of these was the song Kimi shika Inai (There's No one But You) by one of my favourite bands, Tama. I wasn't going to pass that up, especially as one of my greatest greivances against Youtube is that a whole array of great Tama songs were taken down not long ago. I realise that the reasons for things being taken down are multifarious, and are not simply a matter of some monolithic Youtube entity being perverse and authoritarian, nonetheless I am going to behave precisely as if it is just such a matter, because that's how it feels. Anyway, I watched the clip and realised that it wasn't one of the ones that had been taken down, so that this didn't necessarily herald a reinstatement of what had been lost. Moreover, I had seen this clip before. Still, there is never anything wrong with a reminder that this world is one in which the band Tama has existed.

However, in a bit of a Tama mood, I now looked through the related clips, or whatever it calls itself, and found this:

Ah, this most certainly was something that had been taken down. And now it has been reinstated, for how long I do not know. I intend to enjoy it while I can. Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da!

I might even get round to writing a report of the Leonard Cohen gig at some point. Who knows.

Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da!

2 Replies to “Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da! Fuben da!”

  1. I wasn’t taking note to see if he did it with every song, but yes, I remember him doing that a few times, and bowing in a rather old-fashioned way that wasn’t showbiz at all.

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