Unpleasant things

I have a cold at the moment. It started in my throat, but has become what I believe is called a 'head cold'. I think I must have picked it up from one of the disgusting people with whom I had to share a bus on my way back from London to Wales. Or maybe I just picked it up in London.

Anyway, I'm pretty washed out and exhausted as I write this. I think I might collapse in a minute. I thought I might just try and list some unpleasant things, for your amusement. Before I do that, perhaps I should say that I hope to have some news to post here soon. Perhaps some of you already know what it is. I'm going to wait just a little while longer, anyway.

Well, unpleasant things:

1) When you swallow something hot. I mean, not just taste something hot so that it burns your tongue, but when, in your haste, you actually swallow it, and you know it's going to burn all the way down into your stomach.

2) On a similar theme, when you bite the inside of your cheek as you're eating. How does that happen? It's weird.

3) When you're on the phone and the other person asks who is with you. They are actually expecting you to name the person or people in the room with you in front of them, thus bringing to the attention of those people immediately that you are talking about them. Madness!

4) Having one's travel arrangements disrupted because of a rugby match, as I did on Saturday. God, nobody's ever had to traipse all over the place looking for an improvised bus-stop because I've been reading too much Nagai Kafu. Some pastimes are really self-important and boorish.

5) Reading just about any review of some film, book or musical 'work' that you really like. No one else understands!

6) Having to endure the presence of a banana.

7) Contemplating the fact that you've probably left a trail of hopeless misunderstandings in your wake from the day you learned your very first word.

8) Realising you're wrong.

9) Being ugly.

10) Being ugly on the inside.

I've really stretched this concept further than it will go for me at the moment, I think, what with me being nearly delirious with fever and everything.

6 Replies to “Unpleasant things”

  1. Your list made me laugh even though it is a list of unpleasant things. I believe I have experienced all except for 9 and 10. Well maybe just 10. I can look pretty ugly first thing in the morning and usually hope no one stops by unexpectedly. #6 cracked me up. I take it you don’t like bananas? I like them a little and will only eat half and I tried giving my dogs some of the other half but they don’t seem to like bananas. It’s probably not good for them anyways. So the other half usually goes to waste. #3 happened a few times with the friend who is no longer a friend. I never understood why she would ask me who was there….I lived alone. She would also always ask what I was doing even though she’d called me an hour before. She would call several times a day and tell me in minute detail everything she was doing and wanted me to tell her everything. Maybe she was bored, I don’t know. She’d call me while driving and talk about the traffic and cuss at the drivers; or call while she was shopping and tell me about the colors, or prices, etc. I’d swear she was in high school rather than 45 yrs old. Now for biting the inside of my cheek…this is the reason I don’t chew gum. For some reason I get retarded when chewing gum and will bite my cheek several times before finally getting rid of the gum. #1 didn’t quite happen. Instead I spit out a big gulp of coffee in my plate at a diner. The coffee was too damn hot. I’d put cream in it and figured it’d be perfect. Luckily I was sitting in a booth and no one saw me…but it made my toast mushy and my scrambled eggs yucky. I hope you have some chicken soup and juice and that your cold goes away quickly. I don’t get sick very often…maybe once a year.

  2. Hot spicy foods are good for colds too. I didn’t know you avoided meat. I was going to suggest then that a hot spicy tomato broth would be good. However, the spicy pasta sauce took care of that.

  3. Bananas, I’m afraid to say, are a source of great horror to me. Even so, I would not like to see a world without them. I’ve recently swallowed hot things a number of times. Perhaps I’m even beginning to enjoy the experience, the way that bathers in Siberia, or somewhere, apparently enjoy jumping naked through holes in the ice of a frozen lake.Or perhaps not.My cold seems to be a little better today. At least I can breathe now. I have been drinking Lemsip and lemon and ginger tea. I’m afraid that I generally avoid meat, so chicken soup is not really an option for me. I added some extra chilli powder to my pasta sauce, however, and some extra garlic, in the hope that this would help.

  4. 1) When you swallow something hot. I mean, not just taste something hot so that it burns your tongue, but when, in your haste, you actually swallow it, and you know it’s going to burn all the way down into your stomach.I so totally agree. Its worse when you are out dining and have to do it knowingly to avoid embarrassment. :ouch:

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