To be elaborated on at a later date

Someone's just been telling me I've used 'hung' in a story where I should have used 'hanged'. In case I don't get round to correcting this before it's published, please excuse me. I'm afraid it wasn't even a deliberate mistake. (I'm assuming that my informer is better-informed than I am, here. I might have wavered over the past participle.)

Anyway, that's not important right now.

Things that I must follow up on, soon:

Robert Aickbon is probably the best writer of supernatural things ever, I have decided.

Widow Twanky on the new Momus album is a great song, which alone justifies the album, but I still haven't listened to the whole thing enough to give a full review of it.

I've just been thinking about how La Bas, by Huysmans, is a kind of definitive statement on why modern-day Satanists are twats. Well, whatever floats your cliche, I suppose, but the book is a fairly convincing trouncing of the whole movement/movements. Houellebecq has re-stated the case for Satanists being twats in Atomised from a slightly different angle. But basically, it's middle-class people desperately – and guiltily – trying to be aristocrats, isn't it? longing for the aristocratic evils of Countess Bathory and the like? No? And every racist remark for which the Royals have to apologise should – shouldn't it? – remind us of what useless vampires they are, however much they are confined to their coffins these days.

Unrelated, perhaps, I watched Winged Migration recently, and had some thoughts on that.

Oh well, more later, maybe.

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