I’m not sorry for Cheryl Tweedy/Cole

Now that everyone feels sorry for Cheryl Tweedy/Cole for being stupid and social-Darwinist enough to marry a complete twat, and with Simon Cowell having confessed she is the person he most wants to kiss in the world, I thought this was an opportune moment to drag up something that still shows up in lurid tones on a huge, Dorian Gray portrait that Cheryl Tweedy had done of herself when she sold her soul (the devil got the raw end of the deal there) and undoubtedly has tucked away in an attic somewhere, guarded by some regularly-beaten menial. I'm talking about her courageously beating up a toilet attendant who asked her to pay for some sweets:


From the article:

Had Tweedy been convicted of racially-aggravated assault, Polydor was preparing to eject her from the band. Racism is to the music world what extramarital sex was to John Major's government: to insult Miss Amogbokpa as a black woman would have been career suicide. Even the white rapper Eminem – known at the beginning of his career for the reckless vitriol that he poured upon women and gay men – was smart enough to steer clear of lyrics attacking black people. If he hadn't, he would still be stuck in his trailer park, eating his Mom's spaghetti.

To punch Miss Amogbokpa simply because she was a human being trying to do a thankless job properly, however, appears to pose no public relations problem at all. The all-powerful machine that grinds out "celebrity" can even absorb such a brutish little incident and use it to garnish the perpetrator's lucrative "bad-girl" image.

4 Replies to “I’m not sorry for Cheryl Tweedy/Cole”

  1. Justin Isis writes:As much as we might shit on the Japanese idol system for pretty much ruining the idols’ lives (*cough* Aibon, Megukami, hundreds of boys molested by Kitagawa Johnny *cough*), the one thing I might say for them is that this kind of incident would be absolutely unthinkable for a Japanese idol. Not only would their career be destroyed, but they’d be publicly forgotten or “hushed up” within a very short time as well. But more than that, it just WOULDN’T HAPPEN.

  2. Hello.Affirmative :up:I’m not sure what the devil does in cases like this. He must be muttering to himself, “They just don’t make souls like they used to. Cheap, mass-produced junk, all of it.”There seems to be an awful lot of pompous, rich, celebrity brats everywhere.Wasn’t there some hit-and-run incident with Halle Berry that got hushed-up, too? I do find it vile that these kind of people represent the mainstream, what we’re supposed to aspire to, and so on.Not only would their career be destroyed, but they’d be publicly forgotten or “hushed up” within a very short time as well. But more than that, it just WOULDN’T HAPPEN.Although anything is possible, I think you’re basically right. I’m so tempted to bring up the fact that Cheryl Cole hails from Newcastle, but I’m not sure any Geordie friends or readers would take it in good part. I really just think it’s one inevitable consequence of a society in which we are all encouraged to worship trash.

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