I received my author's copies of Shrike yesterday, and people I know who have ordered copies have also received theirs. If you have ordered a copy, I imagine you either already have it, or it will be arriving very soon.
I've recently completed two interviews about Shrike and about me generally, and I suspect they'll be put up online soon. There's the possbility of a third, and even a fourth, but who knows. (And I see that Shrike is now listed as current at the PS Publishing website.)
But, more importantly, I finished, earlier today, the second (and final?) draft of an essay on Annette Funicello, which I hope will make it on to the Internet in time for Valentine's Day.
Congratulations on the relase of your book, and the very best of luck with it (and your essay). :up:
Thank you.I will post the relevant links here when they become available.
This just in, as they say:http://charles-tan.blogspot.com/2009/02/interview-quentin-s-crisp.htmlI'll probably do a single post gathering together the reviews and interviews at some point.