All About Shrike, part i

I intended to wait until most of the publicity I can expect for Shrike is actually out before gathering it together in one blog post, but it looks like I'll be waiting a while for some of it, and there's already a reasonable amount out there on the Web now, so, I'll gather together those bits that I'm aware of now, and do the later bits at a later date.

First of all, there are two interviews, here and here, the first on the blog of Charles A. Tan, a writer located in the Philippines, and the second (conducted by Justin Isis) on the blog of Edmund Yeo, Malaysian writer and film-maker.

I've just noticed that at the PS Publishing newsroom, Paul Raven has put up an item about the Bibliophile Stalker interview and kindly describes me as "surprisingly modest". Oh no… I think that the second interview will probably destroy such an impression.

I'm expecting at least one more (and possibly three more) Shrike-related interviews to appear on the internet sooner or later. That is, I've conducted one more that should be up in a month or two, and have been told that one or two other people may be interested in interviews. We shall see.

Now, for the reviews. To my knowledge there are three on the Net so far. I'll do a quick Google, just to make sure… Can't see any new ones. So, here are the three I know of:

Shrike reviewed on Bibliophile Stalker.

Shrike reviewed at The Agony Column.

Shrike reviewed on Goodreads.

I was wondering whether to comment on the reviews or not, but come to think of it, that's probably not necessary.

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