Every Day Is Valentine’s

Ordinarily I don't particularly like Valentine's Day, but this year it's different, because… Well, I don't know what you're imagining – the reason it's different this year is because I have an article up on Pleasure Principled. It's about Annette Funicello. I hope that you will like it.

Recently, during my navel-gazing lull in blogging, someone tried to cheer me up by posting a comment on an entry I'd written about Valentine's Day, saying how much my diatribe against it was appreciated. I, in turn, appreciated the comment, so, if I get the time and the inspiration today, I'll see if I can come up with a similar diatribe this year.

But I'm not promising anything.

5 Replies to “Every Day Is Valentine’s”

  1. Excellent post Quentin. Same goes for the article. I always loved Annette and probably saw all of her movies. She was adorable and truly was the epitomy of the ‘girl next door’. I never got to see her in person but I DID see the Beach Boys in the early sixties when they came to Phoenix. A few words of your article that I found priceless:”…the glory of having an idol lies in the not-explaining, the sense of some dark and cupboard-like part of the universe that belongs privately only to you,…”

  2. Thank you. I tried to do the diatribe mentioned, too, but, after all, I don’t think it was very inspired. I have to be in the right mood for that kind of thing – for most things, it seems. I’m glad you enjoyed the article. I enjoyed writing it. I don’t know what will happen, but I hope to have more articles on the same site (if I write them and they are accepted). Maybe the next one will be about Shelley Fabares:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gabi2jd-ce8I love the comments. Someone tried to trash the song, and someone else weighed in with a comprehensive belittling of the trashing. It made me laugh.

  3. I don’t remember ever hearing that song but her Johnny Angel was a favorite of mine. Yes, sometimes the comments on YT are atrocious. It’s good that someone comes back to give the trasher a smackdown.

  4. I don’t actually know much about Shelley Fabares, except that she is Annette’s best friend. Also, she was in the Donna Reed show or something. I think Lost Summer Love is an excellent song. I notice the quality of her songs varying quite a lot, though, presumably depending on the songwriter.

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