Woke up today and I’m feeling fey, there’s something melancholy on its way

Something tells me I'm into something doomed.


Well, no reason, really.

Actually, I have reason to be vaguely cheerful. It appears that the dust-jacketed version of Shrike has completely sold out. It was only released this month, so that's quick. I am very surprised. Clearly the interest in my work is in no way represented on the Internet, because I can't say I've detected much sign of it, until this, which just goes to show, there's a whole world out there that has not been ushered into the officially sanctioned immortality (oh yeah?) of digitally encoded information.

Anyway, thank you to all those who bought dust-jacketed copies, and thought it was worth paying extra. Thank you, in fact, to anyone who bought any copies at all.

Oh, if anyone knows where I can get hold of a copy of the dust-jacketed version, let me know. I meant to buy a copy for a friend that deserves it (sounds like punishment, doesn't it?) and never dreamed it would have flown so soon.

I think Shrike is an understated piece, and I'm very happy with that, but for those of you who hunger for something bigger, madder, over the top and just more… I do have plenty in store, believe me, if only I can get the publishers interested. I wrote Shrike in the summer of 2006. I've moved on in my writing since then, and I feel impatient to unleash my latest work upon the world. Some of that, of course, will be in the collection All God's Angel's, Beware!, but there are other and larger things, too. I really haven't even started as a writer, yet, believe me.

It might be a shame really, what with everything else coming to an end right now. It seems like bad timing.

I must always be ready to take leave of this world.

Something tells me I'm into something doomed.

4 Replies to “Woke up today and I’m feeling fey, there’s something melancholy on its way”

  1. Just keep writing. You probably need to adjust your diet as well. An improved diet can change one’s outlook by changing one’s wellbeing, my experience tells me.

  2. I wonder if you could suggest anything, as far as diet is concerned?I think there are external factors, too. I’m very much in a rut at the moment, and also in suspense about various things. Plus, I tend to worry extravagantly about things I really can’t do anything about, like overpopulation and so on.

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